chapter sixteen

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The beautiful rose gold diamond heart shaped ring flashed brightly in front of Royce's eyes. She couldn't believe what she heard and what she was seeing. Was this man actually trying to propose right now? Was he really on his knee with a black box, saying all the right words to her?  Was he tryna joke and play right now? Or was he deadass? She didn't know what to believe.

Her heart began to race as if she was running against Usain in the 100 meter dash. She looked back and forth between Chance and the ring. Back and forth, back and forth, making Chances leg start blister with pain.

"You deadass?" was all she could say, hoping that this wasn't one of her many dreams that she would have.

"I'm not proposing, I'm just asking you to be my girlfriend. And then down the line once we stable enough, I'll really propose. I'm deadass right now Royce and my knee is startin to hurt like a muthafucka." he told her, biting his bottom lip at the pain that he was suffering from.

Royce knew she wanted to be with him, but was she ready for all of this? Was she ready to be in a committed relationship so soon? She was happy with the relationship they already had, but she didn't know if all of this was right. Everything was happening so fast at a rapid pace, that she didn't even have to sit down and think. Without giving her answer a good thought, "Yes." she spoke, with a beaming smile plastered upon her face. At the end of the day, she knew she was making the right decision when it came to her and Chance. She liked him deeply and wanted to progress with him.

You could see Chances deep dimples from a mile away, as his face lit up to that answer. He took the ring out the black box and placed it upon her finger. He grabbed the bottom of her chin and pulled her in for a soft kiss. "You like it?"

"Is that even a question? Hell yeah I like it." she said, as she examined the ring. She grabbed Chances face and quickly pecked his lips once again.

Now that Chance had made her happy, he was happy. He didn't know how this was going to be planned, or anything but he was just glad that they now had a title. They weren't just friends who had feelings toward one another, but they were now actually boyfriend and girlfriend.

Chance got up from his throbbing knee and pulled up his grey sweats. "Now that we together, let me fix you a bomb ass meal."

Royce nodded her head with her focus still on her ring. She was just amazed that he would go above and beyond to buy her a promise ring in the start of their relationship. No one has ever treated her the way Chance had for the past month and she was thankful for him.

Chance stuck out his hand as it made Royce take her focus off the ring. She clasped her hand with his as they exited out his bedroom and headed into the kitchen. The sound of the faucet running went through the ears of them both as they came in contact with Carmen washing a couple of dishes.

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