part three

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Hey its been a while karma
"Hey its good to see you still short" "I tall in the inside" "haha whatever you say so I'm guessing you here for the field trip scheduling" "yeah" "well let's go"
We end up finishing about an hour early so most of the time we talked "here" she handed me a piece of paper "what is it" " you'll find out later I forgot I still have paper to grade" "but-bye karma"
Once she left I read the paper
"Call me anytime you need anything XXX-XXX-XXXX"
*day of feld trip*
Nagisa had came in with her students me and Andrew introduced ourselves it was time for break the class and Andrew wanted to know on how long we had known each other "well me and Nagisa had known each other since 1st years" "yeah we did almost everything together" we heard the class chanting
"Ship ship ship ship" " cut it out or I'll give you guys extra homework " Nagisa said coldly
It's was time for them to leave it walked then to the buses the kids were on the bus me and Nagisa were saying our goodbyes I ran my fingers through her hair "you should let you hair down more"
I saw a blush on her face I saw a few flashes the students had taken some pictures of us "you should get on the bus" " yeah your right I'll call you later" "yeah" and I waved them off
Nagisa pov
Karma waved us off one of my students sat me to and said "are you two dating"

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