part 5

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Kamas pov
I heard someone knock on the door I ran over to the door and opened it I stood there in shock nagisa was soaked with tears streaming down her face N-nagisa what happened" she cry more I pulled her into a hug "shh it's OK I'm here for you" th-thank you k-karma" "let's get you dressed and tell me what happened" "ok"
*a few moments later*
Nagisa finish changing she wore one of my shirt since I was a bigger size she looked so cute I saw her blush "please don't stare at me" I felt my face heat up "haha I was caught" I said trying to play it off she walked over to the couch and sat down i sat next to her "so are you going to tell me what happened" "oh right sorry" "it's fine so what happened" she sighed " I was kicked out of my house" "why" "because of Ed and his new girlfriend" "Ed" I asked confused "oh that's right I didn't tell you me and him we're supposed to get married but I hated him he was aways hitting on other girls and today we got out of the marriage thing" she said sadly "isn't that a good thing" "well yes and no I have nowhere to live" I felt sorry for her and an idea hit me "then stay with me in till you get a house of your own" she looked at me with a happy look "r-really" "yeah but" I smirked "but what" she said "you have to sleep with me" "what" she said blushing "you heard me" "what if I don't want to" "well there's always sleeping outside" "fine but don't try anything" "what makes you think I would do anything" I put my hand on my chest pretending to be hurt" "it's you" she laughed " haha funny let's go to bed because I have to get up early tomorrow" "ok" we walked out stairs and got into bed after a while of looking at the ceiling like I turned to see a sleeping nagisa I touched her hair it was soft I pulled her closer It felt nice I was happy
* a few days later*
I got out of work I was heading home to tell nagisa if she wanted to go to a party my mom was throwing for Thanksgiving
I parked in the driveway I open the front door "hey nagisa I'm back" "oh hey welcome home" she said holding some blankets "why are you holding blankets" "I'm putting them way" "but there not folded" "I'm going to fold-*bark*" "what was that" "what was what" *bark* "that noise" "what noise I don't here a noise you must be hearing things" "no" both our eyes looked at the blanket she was holding it started to move she dropped it and put it down a small fluffy husky came out

Kamas povI heard someone knock on the door I ran over to the door and opened it I stood there in shock nagisa was soaked with tears streaming down her face N-nagisa what happened" she cry more I pulled her into a hug "shh it's OK I'm here for you"...

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(I'm gonna die ❤)
"What how  did that get there" she said pretending to be surprised "why" "it's cute" she wined while holding it "but it might be long to someone" "no it didn't have a  collar when I found it" " where did you find it" "in a box outside the store it's a boy" " what's that got to do with anything" it matters" "don't tell me you named it" "ok I didn't name it" "you named it didn't you" "meet blue" "why" she laughed "we can keep it" her eyes lit up "but it stays in the backyard" "ok" "oh that reminds me my mom is having a Thanksgiving party and I want to know if you wanted to come" she stayed quit for a bit "yeah I'd love too"
Hey guys I finally updated the story sorry again I've been having a hard time lately and like I said I think it was last updated I wasn't getting sleep but now I feel alive for once but out of that if you haven't feel free to go check out other book the blue lab rat until the next update
Potato out

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