Chapter 1: The Chase

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The ground trembled beneath me and I knew they were on their way. It was dark as night fell hours ago, with the crescent moon shining overhead. The streets were barren as the houses. Everyone had been at the pack meeting, except for me. I was on the run and by now the alert was sent.

If running meant death and staying meant death, than I'd rather run and die. My human legs could never outlast their canine capabilities, so for the first time in two years I shifted. As I leapt in the air the change was done before my hind legs hit the ground. I took a deep breath and opened my new orange eyes, then with all my strength I bolted.

Soon the town disappeared, it was replaced by long pine and dry birch trees. It was about fifty miles until I hit neutral territory where wolf hunts were forbidden and the pack knew this even more so than I. This just meant that they'd do whatever they can to catch me before I am off the lands. It would take a regular wolf about ninety minutes at full speed to cover the land, although even in my current condition it will only take me sixty-five. There are other differences between regular wolves and I such as size, my wolf is half a size larger than an alpha wolf. I differ from the moon wolves because I draw my shifting power from an alternate source. The strength I receive lies within the sun, it is why my mother named me Sunny.

Almost an hour had past and I was almost to the end of the pack territory. In a heavenly stroke of luck it began to downpour. The rain would wash away any trail I left so that my pursuers won't be able to follow me after crossing the border. There were two miles left and I'd be free, but still a rogue wolf. I couldn't fathom the idea yet, and I won't let myself process it until I am long gone. Where there is no hint of this dreadful place, or the horrid beasts dwelling in it.

In an unreal dream of a moment I left the territory, I left the Blood Reign pack. Though That did not stop me from running. This was only the beginning of my rogue 'on the lam' lifestyle. Truthfully, the process of becoming rogue is a dangerous and isolated one. Life as a lone wolf means a slow spiral to insanity and sun wolves are no exception. The only way to keep my sanity is to find another wolf to travel with. Most rogues would rather become mental than gain a companion.

By now my legs became numb and exhaustion crept down my eyelids. I had already past eleven towns and decided to rest at the twelfth. I approached a suburb type neighborhood and prowled through the wooded area behind someones backyard. On their patio furniture lied a single red blanket. Quickly, I ran up the three wooden steps and swiped the blanket up in my mouth. While rushing back to the woods I saw out the corner of my eye a stone bird bath. I needed water and an overwhelming thirst came over me. Before making a decision I'd surely regret I stepped on a rubber green hose. After finding the red handle, I shifted back to a human to twist it and chilled water splurged from the nozzle.

By now I was completely dried from the nights earlier shower, and my sweat suddenly turned cold making me unfold the blanket wrapping it around myself. I found a hollow tree that had fallen over and crawled inside. This way I was blocked from the cool night air and damp ground. I fell into a light sleep thinking about what direction to head in next.

By the time Dawn broke only two hours had past, but I knew that in order to completely disappear from the Blood Reign pack I'd have to run so far that they could never reach me. My body ached and the morning light Pierced my retinas making me squint as I left the hollow. In the glow of dawn I could see that my blonde hair had turned a grey brown from dirt. The palms of my hands were scraped up from the earths floor. I could only imagine what my face looked like.

There was a twig SNAP behind me causing my entire body to lurch around and my heart race. It was only a rabbit. The small animal was a false alarm, but I still needed to leave. Once again I shifted and felt sandy fur cover my skin.  I came from the east and had been heading directly west, but now my path is northwest bound up to Canada, perhaps even to Alaska. I grabbed the red blanket with my teeth and started in that direction.
Don't copy my work, I reserve all rights.
HELLO I HOPE YOU (whoever you are) ENJOYED CHAPTER ONE OF SUNNY 😎!!! Anyway please comment like etc and you will give me motivation for the next chapter tschus 😘

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