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John's pov

Three in the morning! Three in the bloody morning and Sherlock's still playing that bloody violin.

"Sherlock that's enough! You need to sleep!" I shout coming down the stairs.

The music abruptly stops as I turn the corner in time to see Sherlock slink into his chair, sliding the instrument into its case.

"Can't sleep to bored." He says not looking at me.

I thrust my head into my hands. "I suppose you want a nighttime murder right now."

"That would be almost as nice as you look."

The last sentience shocked me. Even though we'd been dating for over a month Sherlock hardly made comments on my appearance, his brain to wrapped up in his work, though he always made certain to kiss me each night before I went to my room.

"That's um that's great..." I stutter pulling the blanket closer to my naked torso.

"Hmm your suddenly feeling shy. Why is that?" Sherlock asks yawning.

I suppress a smile, beginning to enjoy this overtired version of Sherlock.

"Did I say something wrong?" He asks walking up to me.

"Not at all." I murmur pressing my face in between his shoulder and neck.

"Good!" He exclaims jumping up and wrapping his legs around mine so I'm holding him. Then pressing a kiss onto my awestruck face.

"To my bedroom?" He suggests leaning in that direction.

I go so as not to be toppled over by his weight.

As soon as we're in his room he flings himself out of my arms and onto the bed.

"Goodnight Sherlock." I murmur turning to go.


"What's wrong?"

"Sleep with me?"

I chuckle and crawl into the bed, feeling Sherlock instantly curl up behind me.

"Goodnight Sherlock."

His soft snores are the only answer.

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