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Growing up in school I always tried being that one friend people could go to when they needed advice or when they were depressed. But it's really hard to be that friend when you are always depressed.

My name is Tony Walsh and this is my story of how I became who I am today. I grew up in a little town just outside of Mountain Home, Arkansas called Hanceville.
Just before I was born Mama and dad were looking for land to build a house on. Then they found the perfect strip of land that looked over the Ozark mountains and had a stream running through the middle of the yard that emptied into the Arkansas River. Dad went to town one day to get some hands to help him and mama start laying out a foundation for the house. Mama had just met a nice family down the street, Mr. and Mrs. Johnson. 

The Johnson's had two children, Kate who was 12 and Adam who was 1. Mama told Mrs. Johnson that she was expecting a baby soon and that her husband, Greg had found a nice strip of land down the street and that he was in town looking for some help to build a house. Mr. Johnson heard this and volunteered to help. Dad came back from town along with five other guys including Mr. Johnson. The Johnson's let the gang stay for the night and in the morning they all headed to town to gather supplies to build the new house. Mama, Mrs. Johnson, and her kids were in charge of gathering the paint and tools. Mr. Johnson and the others were gathering lumber, pipelines, electrical wiring, and other things to build the house. It took everybody about three hours to get everything all together. After this everyone met at the place where we were going to start building. Dad wanted this project to take no more than two weeks. From the moment everybody arrived they were put into groups and started working. It took 5 days to build the house. Then it took an additional 2 to 3 days to get the wiring and all of the pipes laid out. 

After all of the hard work and time put into building mama and daddy could finally rest. 4 months later I was born. Growing up was fun, until my first day of school. Up until this point, I was America's average toddler with the imagination of ten thousand babies combined. Middle school was awesome in the beginning because I was learning new things and making new friends. In school, I was the kid that everybody went to when they had problems. I helped everyone out the best that I could. This all changed during eighth grade. My mom and dad got a divorce. During my first two years of high school mama started abusing drugs and the weekends I spent with my dad all he did was trash talk mama and when I would defend her, he hit me and hollered, "never stand up for your mother boy. She is a drug addict and useless ". Every time he said this I blamed myself for them getting divorced. I blamed myself for everything. So I went from being the kid that gives help to the kid that needed help. I thought the only way to feel good about myself was to join a gang. Then I would be forced to be accepted. They would be my family. They would have my back. One morning I woke up to go to school and mama was waiting at the door drunk, she was hollering at me and telling me I can't go to school because she was lonely. Just then I made the biggest mistake of my life. I pushed mama out of the way and I sprinted out the door. I dashed passed the bus stop and met with the gang leader. I explained to him my situation and he accepted me with arms wide open. I finally felt like I was accepted for the first time in forever. That afternoon he introduced me to the rest of the gang and they accepted me. One of the members brought up the point that I needed to be initiated and that I needed to prove my loyalty. They filled me in with details about what the initiation was like, and I accepted. The leader, Bubba, shoved me into the ground and he kicked me in my side. He waited a few seconds and then signaled for the whole gang to join in. There were 12 people kicking me in my sides and nearly killing me. Just when I thought I was about to die Bubba yelled and told them to stop and he signaled for two if they to stand me up. I was so out of breath my face was skull white. First Bubba saw Mr gasping for air and waited a few moments then he hugged me and whispered in my ear, "welcome brother, you are my family now". After this, the whole gang came in for a group hug. 

I was now part of the, Ozark brothers, gang. I was in but I still needed to prove my loyalty. So Bubba pulled a pocket knife from his pocket and handed it to me and then he handed me a pair of gloves. He then said, "I need you to prove your loyalty, so what another way than to kill someone? And then frame somebody that you absolutely hate". I hesitated at first, then I looked around the room at the other brothers and how big they were in size and then I pictured what they would do to me if I refused. I took the gloves and put them on, and then I slipped the knife into my back pocket. I then asked, "who is the target?" Bubba asked me if I knew Mr. Johnson, and I said yes. I told him that his kid was my childhood best friend and that I could never kill his dad. Bubba grew angry and he quickly pulled out another knife and cut my cheek, and he said you will do it or else.

 I knew that he meant business so I accepted. Two days later I was hanging out with Adam at my house and I asked him if it was okay if I could come over for the night and he said yes. He asked me where U got the scar from and I hesitantly answered by saying that I fell while running. I could tell that he didn't believe but before he could say anything I called my dad up to drive us to Adams house and within 20 minutes he was there. 

My plan was simple I would rush out back and ask my dad to follow me I would then run around the house and find Mr. Johnson and stab him, I would leave the knife in him and yell for my dad to come, then I would hide in the bushes and wait for him to arrive and he would take the knife out of Mr. Johnson's body. I would then run to Mrs. Johnson and tell her to look out back she would call the police and my dad would be framed for the murder of Mr. Johnson. And I would have proved my loyalty to the gang. 

I did all of this within 15 minutes and hid in the bushes. After another 10 minutes the police were called and my dad was accused of the murder and sent to prison for life. Nobody even began to think that I was responsible for the murder until 10 years later. At this point of my life I had killed 12 people, who were mostly rival gang members, and a few drug dealers. I killed Bubba in a fight that we had and I was the new leader. I decided to move on from being a killer to a thief. My plan was to rob the jewelry store downtown. 

3 weeks later I brought 2 if the brothers with me to rob the store. On the way to the jewelry store a police officer pulled us over. He told me that I was driving a car without taillights but then he smelled drugs coming from the back seat. He asked us to step out of the car and place our hands on the roof. So we got out and did as we were told. He found 2 machine guns, 3 revolvers, 1 base ball bat, and 13 kilos of illegal heroin. We were arrested and sent to prison. 

While I was in prison I got a call from Mrs. Johnson saying that mama had been killed in a car accident by a drunk driver. I told Mrs. Johnson thank you and then I confessed to the murder of Mr. Johnson but since my dad served time I didn't have to and she said that she forgives me but that I need help. After I hung up I swore to myself that after I get out I will find that drunkard and kill him, and I would have avenged mama's death. Then and only then would I be satisfied. I found out later in my sentence that mama was on her way to see me and Adam was on his way to see me also but he was drunk and I knew then who the killer was. After I got out I vowed to myself that I would find Adam and kill him.

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