Chaper 30

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For the next few days, Draco waits, poised, for the perfect opportunity to spring his plot. He is rather pleased with the overall plan and has no intention of spoiling it by rushing in before the right moment. Instead, he tells Harry all about it, and keeps an eye on the fifth-year Gryffindors with the knowledge that soon, he will have the chance to turn the tables on Jasper's game of rumours.

His chance comes, finally, on a gloomy Friday afternoon in late October. Having struggled throughout the lesson, many of his first-year Ravenclaws and Hufflepuffs have still not mastered turning wood into parchment by the time the bell rings, and Draco knows what he has to do.

"Just a moment," he says sternly, drawing the students' attention away from their attempts to stuff everything into their bags at once and flee the classroom. They pause and look up at him guiltily. "I have noticed that many of you have been having problems with this spell. It is an important piece of magic, which you may well need for your end-of-year examinations. Fortunately," he continues, raising his voice above the ripple of anxious whispers, "Jasper Bracknell and his friends from Gryffindor have volunteered to assist any first-years who need help with this spell."

The first-years dart glances at one another but the general feeling in the classroom seems to be relief.

"Sir?" someone calls out. "Will they help us even though we're not Gryffindors?"

"Of course," Draco says firmly. "One doesn't get to one's OWL year without learning a little bit of inter-house communication. Tell him that Professor Malfoy sent you... and his thanks," he adds, indicating the door and watching the first-years pile through it, chattering amongst themselves.

That night, he tells Harry that the plan has gone off without a hitch, and that now, all he has to do is wait. As it turns out, he doesn't have to wait very long at all. After their Saturday lesson-blessedly later in the morning than the previous week-Draco and Winston walk back to the castle together and head immediately for the Great Hall, from which an enticing aroma of fresh bread is emanating. Winston spots Emilie at the Gryffindor table and hurtles over to her with a grin and a 'bye, Professor Malfoy!'

Draco watches him go, quietly thrilled by his progress. Today, he has been brave enough to let Draco fly all the way around the training pitch and kept his eyes open the entire time. Granted, Draco had taken it very slowly, and the broom hadn't been more than a foot from the ground at any point, but things are definitely moving in the right direction and the lesson has left Draco feeling accomplished and very, very hungry.

On his way over to the staff table, where he can see Hagrid and Poppy engaged in some sort of lively discussion over soup, he spots Jasper, sitting just a couple of places up from Emilie and Winston and wearing a scowl that makes Draco's heart glow with satisfaction. When he catches sight of Draco, his eyes narrow and his lip curls, but Draco just smiles at him and carries on to the staff table.

"Afternoon, Draco," Hagrid says, spreading his bread roll with enough butter to lay bricks. "Yeh've got to try this soup; it's wonderful."

Draco sits down and tries the soup. It's wonderful.


As the week goes on, Draco observes the progress of his plan with interest. With each day that passes, Jasper's scowl becomes darker and his attitude towards Draco becomes less favourable than ever. Draco blithely ignores all of it, noting with curiosity that Jess Fisher and the others are not turning their frustration at their stolen time on him, but on Jasper himself. Still, Draco does nothing, because he senses there will be a breaking point, and besides, his first-years' command of the wood-to-parchment spell is improving dramatically, so it would appear that someone is helping them, albeit begrudgingly.

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