Chapter 6

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So instead of blocking your attacks, he held your left hand and tried pulling it out of your pocket but you round-kick him and he had no choice but to dodge it. He just wanted the fight to be over by putting out your left hand.

"Fine, if you don't accept it then how about this, if I manage to put out your left hand, then the fight is over." Mitsuki said.

"Fine, I have one condition. If you didn't manage to do that, you'll never ever show your face in this village ever again and you will leave all of us in peace!" You screamed.

"Y/n, that's out of the-" Shino tried protesting but Mitsuki cut him off.

"Fine, I accept it." Mitsuki said and every one was shock.

You distant yourself away from him and think of a way to defeat him.

'I must not lose!' You thought at the same time.

'I don't want to hurt her... but I don't want to leave as well. Maybe there's a way on fighting her without hurting her.' Mitsuki thought alone.

You didn't waste any time and throw three shurikens and repeated the attacks that you've been making. But Mitsuki was already aware of this so he dash behind you.

You block his attack and kick him which he dodge it as well. The both of you exchange punches and kicks but Mitsuki's attack were soft comparing to your hard ones.

You were about to say something but then Mitsuki manage to make you let go of your kunai, leaving you no choice to block his attack with your other hand. You were about to attack him when Shino stop you.

"That's enough Y/n." Shino halted you and you glared at him.

"This is not finish yet!" You growl.

"It is, look at your left hand." As soon as you sink in the words of your teacher, you widen your eyes as you saw your left hand blocking Mitsuki's hands.

'No... no way... I... lost...' You thought and let your bangs cover your eyes.

"Y/n..." Mitsuki called your name and this triggers you so you pushed him as strong as you can and glared at him.

"I told you only my friends can only call me by my name!" You scream in anger then you quickly made a hand-sign so no one can see it and just like that, you disappear like a splash of water.

Everyone was shock at what just happened and ran towards to where you recently was. All they saw was a flood of water that was from the ground.

"Where did she go?" Boruto was the first one who spoke.

'Teleportation?' Shino questioned.

And when everyone was distracted at the flood you left, no one notice that Mitsuki fled to search for you.

Reader's POV

I waited for everyone to leave until I was the only one left. I did not teleport, I just turned myself into a water. After making sure that no one was around any more, I went back to my normal body.

"I knew that you were hiding in that puddle of water." A familiar voice said and I froze on my spot.

"W-what are you doing here?" I ask as I turned to face the person.

"I was worried about you." He answered and I knew that he was telling the truth.

"Tch. Whatever." I scoff then lock my eyes with his golden ones. "Now tell me, how did you find out that I was the puddle of water?"

"Well L/n, I caught up with your hand-sign. So Water style right?" He replied. "What about you? Why were you doing hiding here all this time? Don't you know that everyone was worried about you?"

"You don't get to lecture me Sonja. If there's anyone to be lectured it's you because you came from the Village Hidden in the Sound." I spat and glared at him.

He stared at me with wide eye and mouth parted. After what seems like forever, which was only thirty seconds, he sigh and bowed politely.

"Well whatever the sins that my village have done towards you, for you to despise me and my village so much, then please accept my apology and forgive all of us and erase the hatred you're feeling in your heart." He said sincerely and I balled my hand into a fist.

"It's not me who you have sins towards to, it's those people who's life were ruined because of the useless war that you declared years ago!" I was now almost crying.

I walk past him only to be stop by him grabbing my elbow which I slap his hand away and ran outside. I went home and found all my classnates waiting for me.

"Y/n-chan! You're finally here! We were so worried about you!" Cho-Cho was the first one who puts me into a tight hug.

Normal POV Meanwhile

"Yeah, it's me." Mitsuki was on top of the roof, communicating to someone by using his snake.

"Yeah, I'm fine."

"Everything's going smoothly."

"Things are quite interesting that's for sure."

"Him? Yeah, we met."

"We haven't talked much though."

"Actually I have a question."

"Is it possible to perhaps have... two Suns?" The memory of being with you flash in Mitsuki's head.

"I see..."

"Then if I cannot have two Suns, could she be my Moon?"

"I'm not sure but when I first met her, I felt the urge to protect her which I didn't know why."

"I see..."

The conversation ended and Mitsuki sigh while looking up the moon above him.

"My Moon..." He mumbled as his lip formed into a smile.

-----Time Skip-----

The next day, when you arrive at the school, your mind wondered why your teacher was dress up in a rather looking funny way.

"Morning everyone!" He greeted.

"H-huh?!" The class rep exclaim.

"S-sensei?" Denki stutters.

"What's with that get-up?" Metal ask.

"Okay, let's start." And with a flash of an eye, everything around you suddenly change.


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