Trece | Insecure. pt.1️⃣

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Ynnnsiriboe: Capping a small one at eight and a half months 💕 ready to meet you baby!

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Ynnnsiriboe: Capping a small one at eight and a half months 💕 ready to meet you baby!

"Alright! Baby number three." Yn grunted stepping off of the scale. She had just gained ten pounds in the last week it was the fastest she was gaining compared to her other pregnancies.

"What's wrong mommy?"Nima pouted as she got back into bed to watch cartoons with the girls.

"Nothing, boo boo." She kissed her kinky hair before getting settled back into bed, it wasn't long before Kofi joined them in the room.

While stepping out of his clothes, he noticed his wife's far off- la la land gaze.

"What's wrong with you?" He questioned getting his things ready for a shower.

"I'm just tired, I guess." She shrugged keeping her eyes on the nearby wall.

"Mhm. Nat time for bed, make sure you sister is asleep too." Kofi ushered Nima and Aminata our of the room and made sure they got into bed before returning to the shared bedroom.

"Take a shower with me baby." He stood at her side of the bed but she only shook her head.

His face scrunched and he took ahold of her hands before picking her up and setting her on her feet. "Tell me what's wrong."

"I look like a cow, that's what's wrong!" She huffed feeling salty tears fall from her eyes, Kofi frowned and brought his wife into a confusing hug, he didn't know where she was getting this from, she looked beautiful to him.

"I've gained ten pounds in the last week, ten!"

"You're carrying our son, I haven't seen you anymore beautiful than right now." Kofi soothes trying to comfort his wife.

"I was ugly carrying our other children, right?" Yn seethed sitting back down on the bed.

Kofi laughed before she glared at him so hard it was like she could see through his soul so he stopped.

"Of course, you were and still are beautiful, you're carrying life inside of you, I love you and you are perfect to me."

How quickly Yn went from being angry to happy crying was unbelievable but she was doing it.

"Can I still take a shower with you."


"It's okay baby." Kofi encouraged Yn, she was put in for emergency C-section because of birth complications. she couldn't even push out her own baby.

"I'm scared." Yn couldn't feel a thing from her abdomen down at it was freaking her out.

Kofi peeked over the curtain to see them working before placing the camera back down.

It was still shocking to him that her body had endured so much through her pregnancy but she still managed to be the best she could be.

He kissed her wet cheek before cries were heard throughout the large room.
"It's a boy!" They quickly took the baby over to check over him and his vitals.

"Happy new year!" The doctors cheered before putting the pale baby boy next to his mothers face while she cried and then placing him in Kofi's arms.

After Yn was stitched up and the doctors took the baby back into the nursery hallway Kofi went out into the waiting room.

"He's healthy! Kayin Kunto Siriboe." Everyone cheered bringing the Kofi into a hug before he excused himself to head back into the hospital room.

"You did good babygirl! I'm proud of you! I still can't believe you've given me these great gifts from god." Yn smiled weakly, Kofi kissed her soft lips before telling her to take a rest.

After a couple of hours Yn woke up to the room Kofi taking a peek over the rolling crib careful not to make any sudden movement around the baby.

"We have a new year baby!" Yn smiles softly looking at the time it was past three almost four and Kofi looked wide awake.

"Can I hold him?" Kofi picked up the baby and carefully placed him in her arms, looking at his small face was so breath taking, Yn could already feel he was so special.

"Are you ready to feed him?"


The connection to Kayin was so adorable to the family, the girls bonded so well with him and Kofi still looked amazed that he had a boy but Yn has been a bit off since coming back from the hospital, Kofi took notice and so did the family.

It was like she had some built in anxiety about the baby since they came home, she already cried on the way home because she wouldn't have the nurses help. She'd daydream for a little too long or she would lose interest too quickly when usually she'd be all about hearing different things.

"Postpartum?" Kofi's mother suggested, "I had it with Kwame, luckily I caught it and treated it before t could get worse." Kofi sat up taking to both mothers and aunts about it and how he could help her.

Turned out, yn's mother had postpartum and didn't even want to hold Yn but it was weird to Kofi because she would still interact with their son and would ask to bond with him.

"Falling asleep without me?" Kofi chuckled at his sleepy wife, she was dozing off sitting up in bed.

"It's the medicine, sorry." She apologized looking to her husband who had changed quickly and placed himself in bed as the big spoon when she laid down.

"I can't wait until these staples are out!" Yn groaned.

"My belly is going to look so scared and ugly." She pouted, making Kofi shake his head.

"Mama is taking you out tomorrow, okay?" Kofi had came up with a plan to set his wife up so he could get everything done at the house for a minute.

"Make sure you pump because Kayin is staying here."


I wanted to make this two parts because I wanted it to be fluffy and maybe sexual, you know?

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