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Sa'ima's death grip on her phone when she answered her mother's dreadful call made her wince after she found out that her daughter was well if not hearty, at least not dead

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Sa'ima's death grip on her phone when she answered her mother's dreadful call made her wince after she found out that her daughter was well if not hearty, at least not dead.

"Ammie!" The girl whispered.

"Oh, Allah!... My baby..." She let out a cry and a laugh at the same time so relieved that she kept chanting "Alhamdulillah, Alhamdulillah" Over and over all the while shuffling into her shoes, getting her bag and car keys.

The house was already awake some guests trying to hop into the bathroom to get the cleanest bath before it became messy, though several maids were on the clock to ensure the hygiene of the entire house.

She only stopped to meet her sister the bride, Siddiqa briefly to tell her she was off to the hospital.

"Sorry sis, I didn't want your wedding to be obstructed by this in any way, enjoy by all means."

"Subhanallah, Adda Sa'ima how can I enjoy while my baby is lying out there? I told Abba to postpone the wedding."

Sa'ima looked at her like she had sprouted horns in a trice.

"Are you out of your mind? Naja'ah is well, in fact, I've just spoken with her, I want you to conquer your day and be the best bride ever. I will be back before they take you off. And I wish you all the best because you're going to need it, lil sis."

Siddiqa scoffed shaking her head in bewilderment, even though sketchy, she knew why her sister- who was once all rosy head, cards and chocolates, perfumes and sweet SMS Very head over heels in love- completely lose faith in the marriage institution, not just men. She literary jumped at the mention of the 'M' word.

She kept telling her that she wouldn't know it till she experienced it first hand.

Apart from the fact that she was indeed her baby sister, her favorite, her best friend she doubted if she would even have gone to the trouble of wishing her.

The last time she saw her sister attend a wedding was when she ended up telling the young bride the kind of hell she was getting into. That all men were the same, and they would turn blue when you least expected it, baring their dangerous canines to badger you, branding you for life and then there was nothing left which you could do, rather than just picking up the pieces and try to live a presumable 'seamless' life.

The bride ran to her mother crying that she was scared of marriage. Hajiya Hauwa banned Sa'ima from attending any wedding afterward. And whenever there was one in the family she always feigned a 'Migraine' Like Siddiqa was so sure she was doing that morning before the call came in.

Sa'ima was surprised to meet someone other than Mama at the hospital that early; it was only when she salaamed and entered the room that she saw whom it was.

She suddenly felt weak-kneed, and at a loss of words, she only managed a greeting from where she squatted near the bed. It was Hajiya Kulthum, Naja'ah's grandmother. The woman that loved Sa'ima to bits, which was why till date Sa'ima felt embarrassed whenever they met.

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