Chapter 8: PTSD

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(WARNING! This chapter includes abuse, anorexia, and descriptions of the two. Please skip if you aren't comfortable with these subjects!)

(Lance's POV)

I checked my, well, our room, which is exactly where she was at. She was crying hard and it made me want to go back and kill Keith. And once Shiro finds out, he's literally going to kill him. No joke.

"Babe?" I asked.

(Y/n) looked up at me with tears staining her face. Her eye was swollen, not shut, but it was super noticable.

"You okay?"
"I'm just peachy, Lance," she replied sarcastically. "No! I'm not okay!! I just had a guy fucking hit the shit out of me! Would you be okay?!"

She started crying again. I sat next to her and held her as she cried into the crook of my neck. I rubbed her back slowly, trying to calm her.

"Lance, you don't understand what this does to me," she sniffled.
"You wanna tell me?"
"I can. But if I start getting more upset, you'll have to give me a minute."

(Your POV)

You and Shiro were at a convention, since he took you to one for your birthday. He let you and your (now ex) boyfriend have your own room while he got his own. He never knew what happened behind the door, though...
Shiro finally noticed the bruises. He looked at you, and you were pretty skinny as well, as in anorexic skinny. He asked you if you were hungry. You nodded lightly and you left to the nearest fast food place.

"Now," he started, after he made your order. "What's going on? Is everything okay?"
"S-Shiro... M-My boyfriend did d-do this... I d-don't want M-Mom or Dad to k-know... T-They'll j-just get angry and s-scare me..."
"Why don't you come to my hotel room? I can keep you sa-"
"N-No! H-He'll know t-that I'm w-with you. And... I-I don't want you h-hurt..."

He looked at me with sympathy, probably because he couldn't comprehend what you were going through.

After you ate, he went to the hotel with you, since you were on the same floor. And actually right beside each other!

"Are you sure you don't want me to get Mom or Dad involved," he asked, before you went to open your door.
"Y-Yeah... Well... m-maybe Mom... But I-I'll tell y-you when I'm r-ready f-for you to t-tell them... Okay?"

Even after you went in, you could hear him as he listened at the door. It wasn't good.

"WHAT DID YOU TELL HIM," Jordan yelled. "TELL ME NOW!"
"W-We just talked," you whimpered. "I d-didn't tell him, I s-swear!"
"You better not be lying to me, (y/n)!"

He began hitting you multiple times. You cried out each time. You knew it made Shiro almost jump through that door. But he kept listening.

"We're leaving tomorrow," Jordan growled.

As you finished, Lance looked like he was on the verge of losing it.

"And you said that you were thirteen when this happened?" He asked.
"Damn... Well, know that I'll never hit a girl. Ever. Especially you."

You smiled. After a few minutes, you went to the kitchen to get something. Hunk was in there, as usual, and was making another one of his creations for lunch. As soon as he looked at you, his smile faded.

"What happened to you, (y/n)," he gasped, rushing over to you. "Did someone hit you!?"
"You could say that," Lance replied for you. "And no, it wasn't me, if you were about to ask."
"Then who hit you," your brother's voice boomed behind you.

Your blood ran cold. Shiro would kill Keith if he knew. You understood that it was by accident, but Shiro wouldn't. He fought Jordan over that for me.

"Umm..." You began.
"Who," he demanded, looking you straight in the eyes.

You gulped. Then, there was silence...
"It was me..."

You all turned to see Keith, who looked guilty as ever.

"Excuse me," Shiro began. "You hit my sister, Keith!?"
"It was by accident, Shiro!" You blurted in his defense. "Him and Lance were fighting and I tried to break them up. I got hit in the process."

Shiro looked at Keith angrily, then backed off.

"You're lucky she explained," he growled.

Then, he walked off. You knew this would happen... You were tearing this team apart. If you were to fix this, you need to do it now. You called everyone into the room for a small meeting.

"Now, Shiro, I know that you're mad about what happened," you began. "But it really wasn't his fault. He was more than likely blinded by rage. You know what that's like. I know you do."

Shiro sighed.

"And Keith," you continued. "I do forgive you. Consider yourself lucky, because I don't forgive many. The reason I took it so badly is because... I've been in an abusive relationship before."

Everyone gasped as you said that.

"Just to get that out of the way," you sighed. "That's all I needed to talk about."

Then, you walked out. Lance followed, and you went back to your room.

"Feel better now?" He asked.
"Very," you replied.
"Good. I don't like seeing you stressed out. But with all that's happened today, I suggest you get some rest."

He kissed you on the forehead as you laid down. Then, you slowly drifted off into sleep...

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