Chapter 10: Vital Piece (Part 2)

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(Your POV)

Your were scared as Hagar neared you. You couldn't let them do this! So you tried your best to get away from her, but it was useless. She was too strong.
You had a choice... Try and kill yourself by biting your tongue or let the guys get hurt. You made your choice...

"I'm not gonna let you use me against my team!!" You shouted, about to chomp down on your tongue.
"Stop her from biting her tongue!!" Lotor yelled instantly.

A gag was placed in your mouth, stopping you.

"Nice try, young princess," Lotor smiled at you. "I'm not losing you that easily."

Hagar and Lotor left you alone, deciding that they should wait to obtain your powers for until the others got to you. Except that Lotor was going to make them come quicker by sending a transmission. As he tapped into their Lion's screens, all five of them popped up.

"Lotor," Lance growled deeply. "WHAT HAVE YOU DONE WITH HER!?"
"Nothing yet, Blue Paladin," Lotor replied. "And if you want to keep it that way, you'll come for her."

The entire time, you had been getting the gag loose. It finally came off after he said that.

"Guys, don't!" You yelled, alerting Lotor and the guys. "It's a trap!! Don't co-"

It was re-forced back into your mouth and tightened way more this time. No matter how hard you tried, it was unable to be shaken off.

"You Galran bastard," Lance growled angrily. "Leave her alone!!"
"Then come for her. And just to tell you, she did try to kill herself, just to keep you all from getting injured."
"She would never do that!"
"Oh, but she tried. I had to stop her, as you can tell."
"You sonovabitch..." Lance growled under his breath.
"I'll be waiting. And you remember what I said before, Blue Paladin. I don't like to wait. And for the rest of you... This is what happens when you make me wait."

Then, he walked away, and the transmission was still going. He walked up to you and slapped the shit out of you. His hand began to go up your thigh, until he stopped and said to the guys,

"Better hurry..."

(Lance's POV)

I wanted to kill Lotor. Touching my girl like that and gagging her!? IN FRONT OF ME?! I wasn't gonna have it.

"Guys, she said it was a trap," Pidge started. "What if it really is?"
"Lance, we need to figure out a plan," Shiro instructed.
"Fuck the plan! We need to get to her now!!"
"Lance-" Hunk began, but got cut off.
"Screw it!! If you guys aren't going, then I will!!"

And Blue and I started towards the ship. I was gonna get her back, one way or another.

(Your POV)

Hagar neared you and put her thumbs on the Alteastone, trying to harness its power. You felt a pain in your head as she began a chant, one that you couldn't understand. You tried to scream because of how painful it was. The Alteastone turned from blue to a Galra purple. She had succeeded...

"It was a success, your highness," Hagar smiled. "Her powers can now be of our use."
"Good," he grinned. "Get the canons ready. I have a feeling the Paladins will be here soon..."

You felt tired... You were almost about to pass out until you heard a loud roar. It was Blue. As Lotor readied the cannon, your head ached. As soon as he tried to hit them, the pain got worse.
You had to do something to stop this. If you could just turn into a Frozonican (ice alien) you could obtain their ice powers and freeze the chains.
You concentrated as much as you could, and finally saw your skin turn to a light blue color. You couldn't break the chains, but you stopped the connection of your power to the cannons.
Lance and Pidge came in and saw Hagar trying to gain control of your powers again. Lance aimed his gun at her.

"Get your hands off of her!!" He yelled.

Hagar sent lightning at him, but he rolled out of the way. He was able to get her in the shoulder. During all this, Pidge had gotten you out of the chains and took the gag off.

"You okay," she asked.
"Not really..." You replied. "My head is pounding... I can't even consentrate..."
"Lance!! You're gonna have to carry her out! I'll cover you!"

He picked you up instantly, running out into the halls. You were blocked by sentries. You grabbed your Bayard and leapt out of Lance's arms, slicing every sentry in sight. Afterwards, you began to swoon. You felt so weak.
Soon enough, we got to Blue. But as soon as you got on board, you passed out.

(Lance's POV)

(Y/n) was passed out on the floor of Blue. This meant I had to get her to Allura. And quick.

The Sixth Paladin (Lance x Female!Paladin)Where stories live. Discover now