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"firstly, i want to eat some cheesecake!"

jungkook looked up at jimin with confused eyes. "does that count as a resolution?"

"resolutions can be anything. they're just your own goals you'd like to do. i'm not really one for the whole 'new year, new me' concept." jimin explained, laughing. "what do you want to do this year?"

the brunette man thought about it for a moment, no specific things coming to mind. sure he'd like to do more movies, but other than that his schedule was the same, so not much would change there. "i'm not sure." he admitted, pen hovering over the paper but never actually pressing down on it.

jimin frowned a little bit, wishing that his playful openness would come back. jungkook seemed to be a very elegant mature man, so he was sure not many people had seen that side of him and considered himself lucky. still, he couldn't help but feel bad that there wasn't a thing he could think of that he wanted to do.

"how about for us to hang out more and become friends?" the silver haired boy suggested, hoping the idea would spark an interest in his mind to think of more goals.

"i'd like that." jungkook nodded, his hand neatly scribbling the words. "you said you're from busan, correct?"


"how long have you been in seoul?"

"only a few months." jimin answered, trying to think back when he left his hometown for the insane modeling offer he had thought at the time was too good to be true. "being a full time model is so time consuming though, i always have to shoot all day or go work out."

a small smile appeared on jungkook's lips as he listened to the boy's rant. seemed like their jobs were quite similar. his pen had returned to the paper the moment jimin had said he hadn't been in seoul long, his list filled with a variety of his favorite places he wanted to take the young boy to see.

jungkook wasn't exactly a selfish person. sure he bought expensive things for the sheer beauty of them, but he preferred treating other people and making them happy. his list reflected that, each and every thing involving things he wanted to do with jimin since he thought the boy would enjoy them.

"i'm finished!"

the silver haired male looked at the big roman numeral clock again, seeing that only two minutes remained. the man across from him set down his fountain pen as well, finally satisfied with the number of resolutions he came up with. looking up at jimin, he could see the boy's eyes on his paper, trying to read them upside down. a smile rose up on his face as he looked at them.

"you want to take me on a helicopter ride?" he questioned with excited eyes.

"i know you'll probably think it's a waste of money, but it's nice owning one. its freeing. i think you'd enjoy it."

despite the reaction jungkook was expecting —possibly a lecture about mindless spending— the boy seemed to love the idea. he seemed to genuinely enjoy the thought of hanging out with the man and doing all the things on the list with him. it was surprising how much jimin was retracting out of his shell slowly but surely, but it was a pleasant thing to jungkook.

"no, i get it." jimin instantly argued, completely understanding the older's words. "it sounds amazing."

there where times when he too wanted to get away and just leave the world and all his stress behind for a little while. it must be nice actually being able to do so like that. sure, he could drive around aimlessly to cool himself off a little bit, but that didn't really get him away. he was still driving on the same roads that held the stress in the same area the people whom caused it were. with a helicopter, you'd be able to truly leave it all behind for a few minutes and just float away.

"i'm glad you think so." the brunette gave him a sincere smile, glad they were able to share this time together.

as if on cue, a loud rhythmical sound coming from the white oak grandfather clock in the hallway went off, indicating a new hour. the two looked up at the big clock in the kitchen, seeing it was indeed now midnight.

"happy new years, jungkook."

"happy new years to you as well, jimin."

the pair smiled at each other gently. jimin picked up the paper filled with his list and folded it up before placing it into one of his back jean pockets. jungkook followed his action, folding up his own and tucking it into a concealed pocket inside of his suit jacket.

though the exact words were left unannounced, they both knew what was happening. it was now past midnight and time for jimin to go back home. the seemingly short, but long amount of time they had spent together was great for the most part, but it had to end at some point. unfortunately, now was that time.

"i suppose i should call a taxi now." jimin spoke quietly, not exactly wanting to leave.

it wasn't as though he was instantly attached to the other male, but he did enjoy his company. he wanted to spend more time getting to know him and completing their lists, but he was a little afraid that wouldn't happen. that everything they had just written and talked about weren't actually promises that meant anything.

"will you be alright to head home alone?" jungkook questioned, not wanting the male to leave unless he was certain he would be alright.

"my roommates are pretty responsible, they should be home before one anyways. i'll be alright."

a dissatisfied noise left the taller man's throat as he verified it was really time to bid goodbye. he didn't want him to leave, but he also couldn't make the boy stay. having an idea, jungkook quickly wrote down something on the note paper they had used for their resolutions and passed it over to the smaller.

jimin's eyes scanned over it as another smile came up to his thick plump lips. "is this your number?"

the finely dressed man nodded his head, happy to see the other so pleased with the paper. "how are we supposed to complete our lists without one another? contact me anytime, i would love to get to know you more."

the boy hummed in delight. "i'll take you up on that, jeon jungkook. it was a pleasure meeting you." he playfully spoke, walking towards the elevator he entered from.

"the pleasure was all mine, park jimin." the older teasingly mocked.

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