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when jimin stepped into his apartment, he wasn't expecting to see all of his friends there watching a movie on the television. he blinked for a moment, attempting to think of a way to sneak past them all without anyone noticing.

he was currently wearing jungkook's clothes still, and wasn't really looking forward to anyone asking questions or teasing him about it. his hair was covered by his backwards snapback, his petite body engulfed by the brunette man's oversized white t-shirt along with some grey joggers he had to roll up a bit on the bottom since their owner was quite a few inches taller than himself. the rest of his things were in a medium sized bag jungkook had let him use so he wouldn't have to carry everything in his arms.

jimin got down on his hands and knees, placing the bag's handle in his mouth so he could crawl to his room. everything was going okay at this point. sneaky spy jimin was crawling right underneath his oblivious enemies noses carefully— well, that was until a funny part in the movie happened and someone accidentally ended up kicking him on the side of his ribs quite roughy because they were laughing so hard.

"jimin? what are you doing?"

and so that was the end of spy jimin. he had been captured by the other side and sentenced to death for his terrible job of sneaking around. unfortunately he had been caught, all the time he, well didn't, spend at spy school was now all for nothing.

"why are you playing dead and holding your hand in a finger gun?" namjoon's deep voice questioned, all attention now on the boy hoseok had just accidentally donkey kicked.

"jimin, you weren't trying to sneak into your room were you?" taehyung smirked down at him with a taunting expression. "did you just now come home? i was starting to think you'd be gone for another day."

jimin sighed, taking the bag out of his mouth and standing up. he payed seokjin and taehyung's suggestive questions no mind as he walked to his room. jimin threw off his hat and put away the disguise he had used at the photoshoot. he put his dirty clothes he wore yesterday into his laundry bin, now going to his dresser to change into his own clean pajamas since it had been around six when jungkook had dropped him back off again, both hanging out all day today until he had to go in to film his 'weekly video'.

jimin took off the sweatpants, and the briefs jungkook lent him, putting on his own and a pair of dark blue pajama bottoms. he went over to his mirror, admiring the way the man's white shirt hung off of his shoulders in the nicest way. it basically swallowed his small frame whole, giving him warmth in the kind of way as if jungkook was really still with him, holding him loosely in his arms. jimin decided to keep the shirt on, wanting to keep the comfort it provided as well as the smell of jungkook's scent from all the cuddling they had done last night.

"here comes the lucky boy." the pink haired male grinned, clicking his tongue as jimin took a seat beside namjoon on the couch. "can't believe you didn't even text us once, jimin. you must've been real busy, hm?"

yoongi scoffed at the conversation, trying to listen to the comedy still playing on tv. namjoon gave the small silver haired boy a smile, greeting him home.

"the only thing i was busy with was sleeping." jimin spoke, making it clear he hadn't done anything their perverted brains were conjuring up.

"then jungkook must be a good cuddler." seokjin chuckled, elbowing taehyung as they both loudly broke out into laughter.

"he is." jimin frowned, not liking the suggestiveness clearly laced in their words.

"did you have fun? what else did you do?" hoseok asked, trying to be nice and make small talk unlike the boy's two roommates.

"we slept for probably like seven hours, then he made me some food and we slept some more."

"jungkook must have a lot of stamina to sleep that long."

"can you quit?"

the black haired producer gave his best friend a knowing look as namjoon finally had enough of the teasing himself. he had a sick feeling in the pit of his stomach every single time they hinted at jimin hooking up with this guy he didn't even know. it honestly sucked for him to be here for this.

"okay okay," taehyung finally gave up, agreeing to leave it alone for now. "but you better invite him to the party we're throwing you for that brand you're modeling being released."

"if i say yes will you drop all of this?"

taehyung and seokjin both instantly nodded, fully content with leaving this alone for awhile if their younger roommate would bring jungkook.

"i'll see if he can come." jimin muttered, quickly pulling out his phone.

he looked through his contacts until he got to the 'j's. his eyes immediately found the brunette man, but he couldn't help his gaze from falling one name lower to 'jungkook's manager'. maybe texting lani would be better so he didn't get his hopes up or have to wait however long the video filming would take to get a response.

jimin sent out a text asking if it was possible for jungkook to go out with him and his friends some night within these next few days. the response was almost immediate —as expected by a manager— and jimin couldn't help but let a small smile slip onto his face.

'his schedule is packed for the rest of this week, but i won't tell anyone if he just so happens to sneak away with you for awhile.'

"he's whipped." taehyung whispered to his pink haired friend as they watched the nineteen year old smile down at his phone screen.

seokjin nodded his head in agreement. "totally."

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