The king's proclaimation

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A/N First off, I would like to thank all of you for giving Cindermari so much support so far. This was an idea inspired by the works of so many other artists, and I never would have thought that so many people would have thought it worth reading. I know we're only on chapter 7, but I can't believe how far we've come with this. I literally almost cried when I saw how many reads we had today, so I just want to say how awesome all of you are. Please continue to read this story, feeling like I'm writing this for someone really keeps me going. Also in case any of you were wondering, I do not own the story Miraculous Ladybug. Never have, never will. It belongs to Jeremy Zag and Thomas Astruc, and all of the other awesome employees at Zagtoons. Please support them by watching Miraculous Ladybug and other creations they have released and will release.

"So, I was forced to cut my meeting with the Roman Emperor short, for what? An empty-headed boy, who has had his head turned by a woodland sprite?" King Gabriel paced the floor angrily, only ten feet away from where Adrien stood. "Okay, that is not fair, Father. I never said she was a sprite, and the only only reason you're meeting with the Emperor is to arrange my marriage to Princess Lila."
Adrien's father turned his head sharply. "And what is wrong, exactly, with Princess Lila? She is a lovely girl, and forming an alliance with the roman empire will keep France safe from invaders." Adrien had to remember to keep his breathing in check, as he heard his father talk about marriage, as if it were...some sort of purchase. "You cannot expect me to marry someone I don't love, especially when you knew right away when you met Mother."
"Ah, that is exactly where you are mistaken, my boy. Your mother was a princess, and it was only a happy accident that I just so happened to fall in love with her." Adrien threw his hands up into the air exasperatedly. "You would have felt the same either way! Would it be so bad for me to marry a good, honest country girl, instead of Princess Lila?"
"And what would this good, honest country girl do to help France's economy, or make our military service better?"
Theodore Barbot, the king's advisor said, walking into the room. "Adrien, we are a small country among much larger states, and we must do what we can to ensure the safety of King Gabriel's subjects." Adrien knew that he must respect the man that his father trusted so deeply, but he couldn't shake the feeling that there was more to him, certainly more than he was letting on.
"Anyhow, come along, Adrien. Master Nathaniel is here to continue your portrait, and we mustn't keep him waiting." Adrien followed his father obediently, though his thoughts still dwelled on the beautiful, black haired girl who had spoken with such a fighting spirit. He climbed on top of a wooden structure that was supposed to stand in for a horse, and unsheathed his sword to a heroic position. Even though he knew it would look rather dashing in the painting, Adrien could already feel his arm hurting.
"I cannot thank you enough for agreeing to do this, Master Nathaniel. I implore you to make him look marriageable to those of great importance, not just a simple spinster in the country." Nathaniel nodded, but looked up from his pallet at the mention of Marinette. "Whatever are you talking about, your majesty?" King Gabriel turned his head to look at the artist, and chuckled. "Well, you may find it amusing. Apparently Adrien has fallen in love with a poor peasant while he was traveling."
Nathaniel exchanged a look of surprise with Monsieur Barbot, then narrowed his eyes in agreement at what the advisor's expression said. "I do not find that amusing at all, if I may say so, sire. In fact, she almost sounds too good to be true, like a runaway princess in disguise. Forgive me for listening to your conversation while you were in the other room, but it was all too compelling. I could hardly do anything but eavesdrop. Adrien, please tell us more about the girl that you met."
Surprised at Master Nathaniel's sudden interest, Adrien took a moment to gather his thoughts. "Her hair was jet black, and her eyes were as blue as a summer sky. Although she moved with the grace of a fluttering fairy, she spoke with the ferocity and nobility of a lion." Nathaniel and Theodore closed their eyes in pleasure, and when Adrien finished speaking they spoke in unison, "beautiful."
Suddenly Adrien remembered his promise to Marinette, and turned to King Gabriel. "Father, I almost forgot to ask you something. I want your permission to extend invitations to the masked ball to the common folk of the kingdom, not just the nobility."
The monarch's eyes flew open at this remark, and he looked at his son fiercely. "Why would you possibly ask such a request of me? Do you plan to meet with your country spinster, while Princess Lila spends the night in her lonesome?" Adrien felt a trifle guilty about lying, since that in essence was exactly what he planned to do. Still though, he supposed he would feel worse if his bugaboo showed up to the ball, and no one let her in, simply because of the people she was born to.
"No, not at all. I just supposed that in order to govern the people of France, I would be much more successful if I had a chance to eat and drink, talk and laugh with them." The king's angry expression then melted away, and was replaced with his usual monotonal one. "Very well, if that is your wish then it shall be granted. Remember though, that if this all goes wrong, you will be held responsible." Adrien nodded submissively, and Gabriel and Theodore walked out of the room.

Several days later, Alya and Marinette were shopping in the marketplace, buying all of the extravagant ingredients Mme. Cesaire needed to make Chloe's birthday feast. Suddenly the town crier was given an official scroll from the palace, which he promptly opened and read.
"Hear ye, hear ye! I bring good tidings to our small hamlet today, for King Gabriel has brought news of a masked ball that will take place on the thirty first of October. Any man or woman will be permitted to attend, be they noble or commoner, and on this very night the prince shall choose a bride." Cheers erupted all over the crowd that had gathered, and Alya turned to Marinette excitedly. "Did you hear that, Marinette? A ball at the castle, and we get to attend! We need to go tell everyone immediately!"
Marinette laughed at her friend, and grabbed Alya's arm. "Well then, what are we waiting for?" Holding tightly to their baskets, they ran back to the Bourgeois estate, one brimming with excitement while the other simply hopeful about what the night may bring.

Meanwhile back at the castle, Adrien and Nino were practicing archery in the courtyard. Nino had just scored three points off of a bull's eye, and challenged his friend to do better. Adrien laughingly nocked an arrow, and just when he was firing, Marinette's face shot through his mind. His arm shot up, and the arrow disappeared into the sky.
"Your heart's running away from you, Adrien! Is this all because of one pretty girl?" "She's not just a pretty girl!" Adrien said, his cheeks red. When he saw Nino's face about to burst from laughter, he soon relaxed and shoved the shoulder of the minstrel.
"Well, she was a pretty girl, but there was so much more to her. Her kindness, her spirit. It hardly matters though, as far as my father's concerned, I am marrying Princess Lila. She's obviously a very beautiful and charming girl,  from when I've met with her family, but.." When Adrien trailed off, Nino looked at his face and immediately understood. "It isn't love?" When the prince shook his head, Nino draped an arm around his shoulders. "Hey, cheer up. Who knows, if this girl is as charming as you say, your father may change his mind."
He looked up and smiled, nodding. "Say, while we're on the subject Nino, have you ever been in love?" Adrien's friend looked at him, and got a mysterious, knowing look in his eyes. "Perhaps." Adrien laughed, and pushed Nino's shoulder. "Aww, come on. That's not an answer."

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