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A/N Oh my gosh guys, I watched season 3 episode 1 today, and IT WAS SO GOOD!!!!! I loved literally everything about it, but especially when Tikki said that an akuma is attracted to those who aren't willing to search for a better solution. I feel like that's a really good message to share with people today, so I'm really glad they put that in. I got out of depression by the time I discovered Miraculous, but even so, I feel like it's made me so much better emotionally and mentally. Thanks to Jeremy Zag and Thomas Astruc for making such a great story that has benefited so many people, me included.

"Your highness, it has been been three days since your proclamation has been confirmed to have reached all corners of France. It may be time to consider the worst." Theodore said, walking alongside Adrien, who turned abruptly upon hearing this. "What do you suggest, Lord Barbot? That I forget about the woman I love? Marry someone else?" 

"Frankly, yes. You only spent what, two hours with her, and now you've made it your life's mission to track her down? Forgive me for saying so, but many would call that a brief infatuation. It is taking too long to find this girl, and a secured heir would benefit the kingdom greatly." 

Adrien turned to face the duke, a stern look on his face. "So instead, you suggest I enter a cold, loveless marriage with someone who is only after my wealth and position. Riddle me this, how could that possibly be any better?" Theodore clenched his fists, working to keep up with the prince's long stride. 

"Because, at least then we will have alliances. We will have foreign resources. We will have benefactors, should this country ever get into debt." Suddenly, a maid named Nathalie Sancoeur interrupted the conversation. "Excuse me, Prince Adrien, the king would like to speak with you." Adrien nodded, grateful to leave that awkward silence.  

"Father, you wanted to see me?" When Adrien stepped into the king's chambers, he was shocked to see him in bed, pale and weak. "Father! I knew you were under the weather, but I didn't know it had gotten this bad." Gabriel coughed several times, smiling faintly. "My dear boy, I didn't want to worry you." 

Adrien sat by the bedside, his heart clenched. "I wish you had. We're a family, Father. When things get tough, that's the time that we should depend on each other." Gabriel shook his head gently. "No, Adrien. You need to find her, the mystery princess from the ball. She's out there somewhere, and if she hasn't come forward by now she may need your help."

Adrien nodded curtly. "Nathalie!" He called her, and directed her to bring the doctor. "Make sure my father has the finest care possible," He said with a smile, "While I track down my love." When she answered in the affirmative, Adrien rushed to the vault, where the slipper was being heavily guarded. "Nino, I think you and I will take a little trip together." He said as his friend rushed to his side.

 After Marinette had managed to escape from Chateau Barbot, she settled back into her old life without much difficulty. Ivan was able to cut the shackles off, and she spent many hours telling the tale to her friends. During these times she recounted how Princess Lila and Lord Barbot had drugged and kidnapped her, dragging her off to a strange house in the middle of nowhere, before she gallantly fought her way to her freedom.

"Oh my, Marinette! You were so brave! The only thing that would make that story better, was if Prince Adrien had come riding in to rescue you! It would've been so romantic!" Rose swooned, as they walked down the street to Marinette's bakery. "Rose! This is my life, not a romance novel!" Marinette giggled at her hopeless romantic of a friend. 

"There's still one thing I don't get, Marinette." Mylene said. "Why didn't you call the constable when you made it back to Troyes? I'm sure he could find Lord Barbot, and lock him up to make sure he wouldn't do that to anyone else." Marinette sighed. "You're probably right, Mylene. It's just that I feel really sorry for Lord Barbot. I feel like he really did love me deep down, and just didn't have the discipline to go about it the right way."

Mylene shrugged her shoulders in partial agreement, then they all hugged Marinette goodbye once they reached her bakery. "Bye everyone! See you all tomorrow!" Marinette waved, and went inside. Alya, Juleka, Rose and Mylene made their way over to Chateau Bourgeois, to start the second half of their workday.

Before they could start cleaning though, they heard a shrill scream that could've only come from Chloe. They rushed to see what was the matter, and saw a dark skinned man holding what looked like the slipper Marinette lost at the ball! He was kneeling in front of Chloe, while she very audibly tried to force her foot in.

"I know it fits, it fit perfectly at the ball! This is my slipper, I swear it!" Suddenly a voice rang out behind the girls, one that they all looked at each other with wide eyes upon hearing. "I think that's enough, Mademoiselle. You are making a very inappropriate scene, and you need to give the slipper back to my companion now."

They all whipped around to see none other than Prince Adrien, looking at Chloe with a disapproving stare. He smiled soon though, when he saw the four girls before him. "Ah, hello ladies! Forgive us for intruding, we're searching for the girl I danced with at the ball. Apparently, the girl who fits this slipper is she. Would any of you like to try it?"

They looked at each other with excited expressions, then Alya spoke up. "No thank you, your highness. You see, the girl you danced with is a dear friend of ours, we all attended the ball together. I don't know if you'll simply take my word for it, but if you just follow us, we can take you to her quarters."

"Of course! Lead the way!" Adrien and Nino left their horses in Ivan's capable hands, and followed the group through the town, towards Marinette's bakery. As they walked through the streets, Adrien of course attracted a lot of attention. Noblemen and commoners alike recognized him and whispered, pointed or just plain stared.

Suddenly a little girl with long brown hair ran up to Adrien. "Well hello there, Miss! What can I do for you?" Adrien smiled kindly at her, kneeling down to her level. "My mother says you're Prince Adrien. Is that true?" Adrien nodded. "I certainly am! What, may I be so humble to ask, is your name?" The child smiled brightly when he asked this. "Manon Chamack!" Adrien gasped in feigned surprise.

"Really? Oh my goodness, I feel so rude. To think that I, a humble prince could have the nerve to talk to the beautiful Princess Manon. Can you ever find the kindness in your heart to forgive me?" Adrien raised his clasped hands. "Of course I can! My mother says to always forgive people if they ask!" Adrien bowed his head in mock relief.

"Oh thank you, Manon. You are such a sweet and kind princess, and your mother is a wise and noble queen for teaching you such important virtues. I am sorry, but I'll have to cut our visit short. It was a pleasure meeting you, Princess Manon." Manon waved goodbye and ran back to her mother, and Adrien stood, dusting off his pants and chuckling. 

"Come on, her house is just this way!" After the show was over and the crowd dispersed, Alya led the group over to a small building with flower boxes in the windows and the smell of bread wafting out from inside. They opened the door, and Alya went into the back, where the oven and Marinette were.

"Alya, what's going on? I thought we hadn't planned to meet up until later." Marinette looked up from the ball of dough she was kneading, confused as her friend smiled at her mischievously. "Marinette, let's just say your birthday came early this year. Me and the others were going back to the house, and guess who was there? Prince Adrien!" Marinette's eyes widened at the mention of his name. "Who??!" 

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