Chapter TWELVE

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IM SOOO SORRY here's a chapter for y'all


Also which celeb do you want Lucas to be?


"Tuesday." Claire grunted, shoving all the books into her locker and slammed it shut.

"You know what's more annoying? We are having some stupid meeting in P.E." Adam leaned against the locker next to Claire.

"Any idea about what?"

"Actually, all the twelve year students are gonna be present. The football varsity team needs a player, so they're selecting." Adam rolled his eyes. "I don't understand why everyone should be there."

"For a fact, coach needs male fucking players. I am not interested and I am not gonna be there."

Anyone who would look at her face would be able to notice the disgusted expression on her face. After what happened with Nate, loving football? Never.

"If I didn't know better, I would think it's Nate's replacement." Adam said, scoffing. He was about to make a comment again, when he saw that Claire's eyes narrowed at the floor.

Adam was not sure what to think about the fact that Claire was practically glaring at the floor. He knew something was up. But mentioning it would only make Claire angry.

And angry Claire was something no one wanted.

He wanted to divert her mind. He wanted her to take her mind off of whatever she was thinking. Because a look like that could burn someone inside out.



"Are you going to the trip?"

"I think."

Silence. They both turned silent after that. They didn't know what to say. These were those moments.

Those really rare moments where the situation gets awkward. When they know what's happening, but they don't wanna talk about it. They wished Hailey was there with them.

Because she was the person who would say something irrelevant and not let the moment suck.

That's when Adam's eyes flickered to a stumbling mess, holding more than five books, bumping into people with someone else trailing behind them with the same condition.

"Hey look, that's Clark." Adam pointed out. Claire's head snapped up so fast that she swore she could get a Whiplash. "With his equally geeky friend."

"Looking like a meat again." Claire added.

"Calm down there, beast." Adam chuckled wickedly. "You'll get your beauty."

"Well, guess what?" Claire asked, still not taking her eyes off the boy who started struggling to open the locker. "Beast has to work hard for that."

"Really, stop with Disney movies." There came a chirping voice right behind Adam and he turned around. "You are Seventeen, turning eighteen, not seven."

"What about the time when you started stanning Emma for the role." Adam rolled his eyes at Hailey. All he recieved was a shrug. "Anyway, you're late."

"Had to leave my brother to his class you know." She huffed. "He's so annoying."

"He's your little brother after all." Claire mumbled, now actually paying attention to her friends.


"Did you know that, if we put a giant mirror 10 light years away from Earth and looked at it through a telescope, theoretically we'd see 20 years into the past." Conor frowned at Lucas as they sat down for their third class.

"Uh.." Lucas raised his eyebrows. "What...?"

"If we put a giant mirror-"

"Yea, yeah, I get it. You don't have to repeat. I was just surprised." Lucas cut him off, although the only thing he understood was that somehow they would be able to see the future.

He didn't know how Conor could store in so many facts and details about ... Well everything. But he didn't mind it though. He liked it.

Conor was obnoxious and carefree and that was the one thing he needed in life. Without Conor he wouldn't even be sitting in the food court.

Conor had just found him in the library during the lunch break, and decided they should be friends. Weird as that, Lucas was surprised that the boy stuck to him like a stain for almost three months now.

Conor was a person with big heart. That's all that mattered.

"And did you know, according to a study, it takes only 1/5th of a second to fall in love." Conor mumbled and that was where Lucas drew the line.

"Okay, stop. That's bullshit. No one can love anyone in that little time." He rolled his eyes, noticing the unimpressed look on Connor's face.

"But that's how it works. It's proved in a study."

"That doesn't mean it applies to everyone."

"Maybe it does." Conor tilted his head to the side curiously. "Have you ever fallen in love?"

"Don't you know me?" Lucas deadpanned. "I have never been interested."

"What do you mean?"

"You know... Never been interested in such activities." He shrugged.

"In activities?" Conor raised his eyebrows. "You mean to say you don't feel anything when you look at a pretty girl?"

"Yup. I don't feel anything."

Suddenly, Conor's eyes were widening like something big was going on in his head. That... Wasn't a good sign.

"You mean to say you're gay?!" He screamed.

Lucas choked on his tongue, quickly looking around to see if anyone had heard his stupid friend.

"What in the heavens?! I am not! All I'm saying is I'm not into dating someone yet!" He whispered yelled.

Well, he did feel the rising heat to his cheeks instantly.

"Ayy, that's not a bad thing. No need to be embarrassed." Conor chuckled, simply patting his shoulder.

"I'm not embarrassed!"

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