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Out of everything that could have happened today, the freaking Ice cream shop owner had to recognise Lucas and ask about the 'hot headed girl who accompanied him last time' to which, he didn't get even a precisely stable reaction from his dad.

Lucas wished to never exist. He prayed to never get into a situation like this every again. He stared down at the melting ice cream, fists clenched and jaw tightened. For a mere second, he wanted to perish into thin air.

Yes, Lucas was afraid of his dad. But he wasn't going to give up on Claire just yet. His dad could get real bossy sometimes, maybe because he had to run his business right. And that's where Lucas always drew the line. His dad wasn't going to run his life.

And he made that clear to himself.

"Tell me, Lucas." His dad started, straight face and voice, "Tell me, can Claire get you into a college?"

"No." He muttered, shaking his head.

"Can she get you a job?"


"Can she afford to buy you all the expensive art supplies?"

"No." He looked up, his gaze intense and staring right back at him.

"Then what is the point? Why are you wasting your time with her when you should be studying?" His dad furrowed his eyebrows. "You'll only lose your worth if you be with her. She'll end up bringing you down. She'll ruin your life."

His mind was whirling around, listening to his dad speak. He couldn't understand why was it a problem being with her? How materialistic is the world to separate something so dear to him from him?

"Listen to me Lucas, forget her. It's for your own good."

He's had it enough. He's had it up to the brim. Everytime it's about Claire, it's always degrading her. His dad made him question his commitment towards the only one he loved.

So he said something. Something he wished he never told his dad.

"She won't buy me art. Won't buy me dinner, a shelter and bed to sleep on. But she'll let me lay my head on her, give me her only meal and will buy me A LOT of happiness. She'll hold me close, warm me up on my coldest days and will wrap herself around me like a blanket at night. She'll give me her support, her attention and love, which you failed to give me."

"Will she also trust you enough to tell you about her darkest secrets?"

Something about that sentence didn't seem right. Nevertheless, he nodded his head. "Y-yes."

His dad chuckled. "I've the world better than you. Betrayal, hatred, revenge, competition and what not?" Every word he spoke hit Lucas with intensity. "You can't be sure about her. You never know when someone is deceiving you. She's probably toying with your feelings. And you're falling into her trap. She probably never liked-"

"No. She told me she liked me." He said, eyes growing huge and a pang in his stomach, refusing to believe his dad at any cost. It disgusted him to even sit here.

"You've been blinded. Listen to me-"

"Stop." He stood up, breathing getting heavy. "I'll show you, she's nothing you've just described."

"Where are you headed to?" He asked, adjusting his collar. "Do you not want to go to the art store?"

"I'd rather prove to you, that everyone isn't a betrayer."

The worlds biggest business man smirked, his fingers tracing his tie. "Go ahead. Show me what she has to offer."

So Lucas fled, grabbing his coat and putting it on as he hurried out of the place, leaving his dad alone. He ignored the car he came in and straight away jogged past it.

Would you be the moon on my loneliest nights?

He had to find his way to her. There was no other path he could walk on, to prove that Claire was the best possible person to exist for him. He just wanted to show his dad that he was wrong, and for once in his life, his son was right.

Lucas walked into a flower shop across the street, gaze hastily falling on every flower bouquet present in the shop.

He couldn't possibly go barehanded to her house. It was Christmas. And so he swiped his dads card and bought the bloodiest roses ever that instantly caught his eyes and thanked the keeper before making a run to the designated place before it was too late.

But he could barely walk on the snow filled streets, legs going deep in which annoyed him to no end.

Would you move away the hurdles with your own hands so that I could move yours?

The white tiny puffy balls of ice had started to fall again, as Lucas made his way through it, slightly shivering as it settled on his shoulders and his hair. But all he cared about was getting to her.

He blinked his eyes, trying to focus on walking, but it just felt like the whole world and the devils up there watching him, were finding joy in his pain. Yet, Nothing ever felt this right, going out of the way to be with her.

Would you show me what's in your treasured chest and trust me on not stealing it?

He clutched the flowers close to him, fingers as cold as good for ice sculptures. If he died, so be it.

That was quite dramatic. ..he didn't want to die. bUT anyways,

Lucas reached. He reached, eyes barely open from the freezing cold, ears and neck matching a colour with the breathtakingly beautiful flowers and with a piercing gaze he rang the bell.

If I told you, my mind only spoke the letters in your name, would you assure me that that's perfectly okay?

Last chapter coming through:)

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