Final results

50 4 4

Ach!! So this is the last round and stuff and I'm really excited to start a new contest! This contest has been amazing, sure I've had people quit but it's okay! Hopefully the next contest will be better! Anyways..

The winners are-
1st place- coversandcontests

The winners are- 1st place- coversandcontests

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2nd place- EmpressofPandas

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2nd place- EmpressofPandas

3rd place- theamazingpotterhead (I never got your cover so you were automatically given 3rd place

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3rd place- theamazingpotterhead
(I never got your cover so you were automatically given 3rd place. I had to finish this contest, even if i didn't have your entry. Feel free to post your entry though! I'd love to see it)

Thank you all for entering and I will give you your prizes soon! Pm me for any details about the prizes

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