Chapter 2

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(Unedited) Hope you'll enjoy. :)

The day is replaying in my head again, the fragments so distorted yet as fresh as if it were just yesterday. The scar that can never be mended, a piece of my heart.

Connor, a year older than me. My best friend, my confidant. Though there had never been anything romantic between us, he cared for me and I cared for him... I still do.

That day was the day of the draw as well. Being twelve, I was a year short from entering it, but I was fearing for Connor. 

Standing at the edge of the roped-off area, I felt a light touch on my shoulder. I turned around, knowing that it was him. His blond hair combed, but still remained in its usual ruffled self. He was wearing a formal tuxedo, black stark against white. I met his blue eyes and without hesitation, I threw myself into his arms. He clutched me tightly to his chest almost protectively.

The beautiful musical horn sounded, pure irony since it brought forth such fear and pain. Connor released me, his gaze intense. Unspoken words hung in the air between us, years of friendship brought immediate understanding. I nodded and he hastily let go of me, but not before one last hug.

Just before he ducked into the roped-off area, He gave me his trademark lopsided grin and mouthed: It'll be fine! Then, he ducked under the red tassel as discreetly as possible, which was not discreet at all due to his height and build. I watched as he joined the the crowd and milled into the large white state building, called the Big House. The last few stragglers in, the great doors swung shut with a loud boom.

I paced around then, tuning out the overly cheerful voice coming out of the big speakers looming all over the square, trilling the exact same things every year. Only when it comes to the last bit, did I start to pay attention.

"Now, now, now. It's time for evaluation time! Aren't we just excited?" She pauses, waiting for the non-existent upbeat cheers. "Oh well, on with it," she said, sounding slightly deflated. 

She went on and on describing useless details on what's going on in the Big House, like a news reporter. Only two words caught my ears and I froze, blood turning cold. 

"Connor Regulus! Congratulations!"

My ears were ringing, though my heart seemed to have stopped, nonetheless, I fought my way into the Big House, pushing away the black-clad soldiers. I do not know how I did it, but the next thing I knew, is that I was in the Big House, people staring at me. I ignored them, racing towards Connor, who was entering a black limousine. 

"Connor! Connor!"

I yelled at the top of my lungs, before a sob took over my voice. I sprinted to him as he turned around, eyes wide. I barely got hold of his hand when the guards that were flanking him pulled us roughly apart.

Just as Connor was pushed into the limousine, he yelled:" I promise I'll see you again. Remember Em, that I ......" The soldiers slammed the door shut, the limousine sped away, leaving a trail of dust in its wake, and I'll never know what he wanted me to remember.

I recall slipping back into the crowds once more, when a tall, lanky soldier  jogged to my side.

"Miss... Riverstone?" He asked, running a hand through his messy dirty blond hair. I started. He was more of a boy than a man.

At my hesitant nod, he shifted his weight uneasily. "Mr Regulus asked of me the favour of handing this to you."

My eyes widened as he placed a carefully wrapped purple cloth into my hands. "Th...thanks," I stuttered, searching his face, wondering why a soldier would do us commoners favours.

"I trust you won't tell?" he asked. Seeing my skeptical expression, he added quickly in a low voice : "Let's just say I'm returning a favour and leave it at that."

"Okay," I said in a hoarse voice. "Thanks."

He nodded, giving me one last look before striding away hastily. I quickly tucked the cloth into the folds of my dress, at the same time back-stepping into the crowds.


It was only later in the evening when I finally had the privacy of my room to pull out the wrap. Sitting on the bed, running my hands through the silky cloth, my heart feeling like it's been torn apart. Tears welled up, but I breathed in deeply, holding them back, and with it came the fragrant smell of rosemary.

I froze, sniffing. Real rosemary!

My hands trembled as I unfolded the square of cloth. Something smooth, cool and glittering slipped into my lap, along with a couple of sprigs of real rosemary. I inhaled sharply.

"Oh, Connor. Where did you get this?" I murmured, fingering the rosemaries gingerly. The velvety petals sent shivers along my body. The slightly frayed, curled in sides confirming the naturality.

Carefully brushing them onto my bedspread, I turned my attention to the heart shaped locket nestled in my lap. It was the most beautiful thing I've seen, gleaming, real silver, the charm dangling elegantly from the thin chord. 

My fingers were skimming across the smooth charm when a soft click sounded. I held my breath as the charm swung open into two perfect halves. A piece of bleach white paper fluttered down, unfolding on the way. i picked it up. Two lines, written in hurried but graceful handwriting.

Emma Riverstone. You are always in my heart.

My cheeks flushed and immediately opened the locket. Two tiny photos were framed on the halves. A tear slid down my face.

On the left halve was a picture of my, laughing, sunlight caught in my flowing brown hair, happiness practically beaming. My laughing silhouette, forever frozen in time. On the right, Connor was pulling me along, running on the grassy meadow. he was looking back at me, both of us looking so happy, laughing, enjoying that very sliver of bliss.

Ever since then, I had hold on to the locket, hoping that one day, I can thank him, run to him and throw my arms around his familiar build again. But I never saw him again. Slowly, the rosemaries wilted in its hiding place beneath my pillow, but I never took off the locket, his last gift, determinded to keep him close to my heart, stubbornly refusing to acknowledge the reality that was thrown in my face......


As sudden as it had started, the roar stops. I heave, my face in my hands now. A dust of glitter scatters.

"Shoot," I muttered, lifting my head. Two identical blue eyes are fixed on me, both concerned, one scared.

Lia hesitates. "Emma?" She says in a soft voice.

I stand shakily and cleared my throat. "Right," I say, meeting my mother's gaze. I inclined my haed slightly. I breathe in deeply and took Lia's hand, striding out the door without a second glance. vaguely, I feel my mother following quietly. But nothing matters right now, nothing, but the tears brimming my eyes, bluring my vision, before dripping down freely, melting into the grass beneath my feet.

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