35 3 0

May 28, 2001.

“Ma’am! ma’am! are you ok”? A strange light voice asked. She felt cold hands on her cheek, tapping lightly. She opened her eyes and just stared at the light. It was really bright. A worried face swam into her consciousness and she blinked. Who was this guy and why was he holding her?

“Ma’am, are you ok? You fainted just after you opened the door. He had a funny colored face cap on. It had “irregular pizza” written on it. What was a pizza guy doing at her house? “Ma’am, you ordered a medium pepperoni pizza a while back. You were crying” he said.

She must have spontaneously called up their favourite pizza place while she cried earlier..God, she needed help. She stood upright and brushed a stray strand of hair behind her ear. I’m fine she said.
“ok, that will be $5 please.

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