The shadow person

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When I was young 11-12 (I forgot how old I was) but I use to see this shadow person on my wall watching me every time I slept

So I was staring off into space thinking until I looked over to see a tall black figure staring at me, I saw black smoke coming out of his or things skin

I freaked out and hid under the covers afraid, I looked at the TV too see it trying to reach out to me so I closed my eyes saying to myself 'it's not real it's not real' over and over until I woked up seeing it's morning time.

I don't remember falling asleep so I was confused until I hear someone getting out of my bed so I looked over seeing no one, I even asked my parents if they were In my bedroom they said no..

I still see the shadow figure at my school, and now.
.I remember my old childhood ghost stories I forgot about again)
.when I was 10 or 11 I remembered getting out of my bed in the middle of the night going to the bathroom, when I came back I saw a shadow thingy crawling out from under my bed slowly reaching out to me. I stepped back terrified till my dad told me to go too bed, I looked back to see it dissapeared.  I went back to bed scared still all night.

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