Meeting the mikhalsons

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Valerie p.o.v

I felt something against my mouth.Then something sweet came down my mouth."Wake up little bird."I heard somebody say.I open my eyes to see a man and some other people looking at me."W-who are you."I asked."Don't worry I am not gong to hurt you."He said.He helped me up."Who are you and were am I"I asked.".I am Niklaus Mikhalson.These are my siblings Rebekah,Elijah,Kol and Finn.Do you mind telling me your name."The man said."U-um my n-name is Valerie Salvatore."I told them still scared."Why are you in the woods all by your self Valerie?"Rebekah asked me."It is kind of a long story."I said."We have time."Finn said.

"Well 13 years ago my mother died after giving birth to me.After that day my father was heartbroken.He blamed me for my mother's death.So he treated me like a maid and he abused me both physically and mentally.He always told me that I couldn't do anything right even though I do things exactly how he says to do it.When i was ten he started raping me.Some days he would lock me in a closet with no food or water which made me have have hallucinations.My brothers couldn't do anything about it.He threaten to beat me to death if they ever helped me.My father said that he would kill me on my 13th birthday.His exact words were -I swear on your 13th day of birth which is today he will slowly kill an abomination he calls a daughter."I said in one breath.

They all looked at me shocked."Well let me tell you something I went through the same thing with my father."Niklaus said."You did?"I asked."Yes and it will get better."He said."Ok."I said nodding."
We also have to tell you something else."Elijah said."We are vampires and you are turning into one."Finn said.After they finished explain stuff about vampires to me they offered me to stay at their place.Of course I said yes because I do not want to go home.

They told me I have to feed or I will die.Klaus gave me a cup with a red liquid in it."Thank you."I told him.I drank it all.It tasted pretty good. Suddenly I couldn't see anything."Um I can not see a thing."I said moving my hands around trying to feel something."This might sound weird but your eyes just rolled to the back of your head."Kol said.Suddenly i could see again.Everyone gasped."What what is it?"I asked worried."Y-your eyes."Rebekah said.I found a mirror and saw that my eyes turned a rainbow color.

*5 hours later*

I put the note on the table.I could not stay any longer.My father might find me.I ran out of the house and into the forest.I am not worried because a witch put a spell on my necklace so i can walk in the sun.I used my vampire speed to get out of town.Fair well mystic falls I will miss you.

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