Getting help part 2

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Valerie p.o.v

I woke up to see I was tangled up in Damon's arms.I swiftly removed myself from him and and walked to my bedroom and picked out an outfit and brought it in the bathroom.I got in the shower and just stood there for a few minutes.I opened my eyes to see blood.

Blood was coming out of the faucet.There was blood on the walls blood on the roof and blood all over me.I screamed and quickly got out and put a towel around me.Caroline came in the room and saw me covered in blood."Who's blood is this?"She asked.I sniffed the air and frozed in my spot."It's mine."I whispered so low i don't think vampires can here it."What?"She asked."It's mine!The blood is mine!"I said sliding down the wall crying.She came over to me and hugged me.Not caring if I am covered in blood or that her outfit would be ruined.

I let her go and stood up."Thanks care bear.You are the best."I said.She went out and left the door open a little.I dried the blood of me and got dressed in a creme dress with a leather jacket and black ankle boots.I walked out the bathroom and sat on my bed.I yawned.Maybe just a little nap won't hurt.I took of my outfit and put on some sweat pants and one of damon's shirts.I laid down and fell asleep.

*5 minutes later*

I heard a crash coming from downstairs.Oh some one is about to get hurt.I got out my bed and stomped downstairs.What I saw annoyed the hades out of me.The Scooby-Doo gang were fighting with the Mikaelson brothers.This will not do."Hey!Hey!"I yelled.They wouldn't listen so I whistled loudly.They all turned to me.

"Ok let's get something strait.I have been asleep for 5 freaking minutes and I hear fighting.I have things to do later so.SHUT THE HELL UP!If I hear anymore noise I will staple your mouths shut with your fingers attached.Do I make myself clear?"I said."Yes Valerie."They all said in sync.My whole mood did a 360."Ok thanks.Good night."I said walking upstairs.I walked to my room and fell asleep.


I woke up tied to a table."Stefan!Damon!"I yelled.Father came in."It is real funny how you got here actually.I own you now."He said taking off his belt."STEFAN!DAMON!"I yelled.I tried to get out the ropes but I couldn't.When I saw he was taking off his pants I tried harder."STEFAN!DAMON HELP!HELP ME PLEASE!"I yelled trying to get away.He took off his underwear and got on top of me."No please don't.Don't do this please."I begged."I OWN YOU!"He yelled."You look so much like her."He said messing with the strings of my corset."Please leave me be.I do not want this.No.No.No.No.No.N-AAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHH."I screamed as he inserted himself in me."STEFAN PLEASE HELP ME PLEASE!DAMON!GET OFF OF ME!"I yelled but he was to strong.

After thirty minutes he got off of me and just left me there."Damon.Stefan please help me."I whispered.That was the last thing I said before I pasded out.

*Dream over*

"Valerie!Valerie!Wake up!"I heard a voice say but I couldn't open my eyes."Valerie!"I felt someone shaking me.I couldn't breath and couldn't see or smell anything.It is like all my senses are blocked.I tried again and I finally was able to open my eyes.I took a deep breath and looked around confused.

"Who are you?"I asked confused.Damon chuckled."Nice one Val but seriously are you ok?"He asked."No I am being serious who are you."I asked tilting my head to the side."Valerie what do you remember?"Stefan asked."I was leaving home because father was about to kill me."I said looking back and forth between Damon and Stefan."So you don't recognize these people at all?"Stefan asked.I shook my head no."I don't remember them at all."I said confusingly.They all shared worried looks.


Dun dun dun.Ideas people ideas.Help me for the next chapter whoever does get the next one dedicated to them.Peace out.

-Pokemon girl out-

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