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Since I've left NC, it's been a breath of fresh air for me. Don't get me wrong I miss being home with my sister which is now 5months pregnant but I needed to do this for me. Since Kota has been born it's been kinda busy for me but I'm surviving. I been working at the Water Grill now for a month it's been going good. I met this girl name Amora, she's pretty chilled since our schedules are different the days I work she helps with Kota so it works out fine for me.

Breaking me from my train of thought I heard Kota crying on the baby monitor. I went to her room picking her up she instantly stopped crying "you are so spoiled Kota." I said in her ear as I went and sat in the rocking chair I brought and rocked her back to sleep. Once she was finally sleep I went back in my room to finish getting ready for work Amora should be here soon. After I got dressed I doubled checked and made sure I had everything I needed before I had to walk out the door. On my way to give Kota a kiss before I left I heard the doorbell which notified me Amora was here I kissed Kota and walked down the hall to open the door. "Hey girl." I said giving her a side hug and admiring her outfit. Now Amora is a BBW she is so beautiful to me baby be slaying "hey girl where my baby at." She said hugging me back "she in her bed sleeping I should be off by 11tonight but if you need me you know to call me." I said grabbing my purse and keys and walking out the door to my 2013 Nissan Altima. It's like since I came out to Cali I been on my shit.

On my way to work Ada called me I put the phone on speaker "hey wassup sissy." I said into the phone "nothing just left my doctor appointment guess what we are having." She said sounding excited "please say a boy." I said sounding hopeful "I'm not telling no one you have to fly out for the gender revel party but just know I'm having TWINS!" She yelled in the phone "what the fuck you mean TWINS." I said sounding shock "yes I'm having twins." She said sounding like she was smiling "oh my god! I'm so happy for you, when is the party so I can take off." I said lord knows I didn't want to step foot in NC but I'll do anything for my sister "it's in two weeks." She said lowly "two weeks dang Ada I'll see what I can do but let me call you on my break I just pulled up at work." I said while I gathered all my stuff before I got out the car "okay call me later have a good day." She said before she hung up.

After I got my bag I headed inside to clock in and start my day. The first table I went to it was fine ass dude and some girl I didn't realize I was starring until the female spoke up "umm is you gone take our order or just stare at my man like a piece of meat." She said rudely "I'm so sorry he looked familiar no harm." I lied "what can I get you two." I said politely "can we have 2 glasses of water one Sunset Mimosa and a shot of scotch." His deep voice spoke which left me in a trans. "Yes coming right up, are you ready to order or do you still n need some time." I asked "we still need time." The lady spoke in a rude tone "okay well I'll be right back with your drinks." I said as I walked off.


I decided to take cashmere out to dinner today to the Water Grill since all she been doing lately is complaining how all I do is work. Cashmere is a female I been with for a few years now. She was pregnant a few months ago but she miscarried my first child it hit us hard but it was nothing we couldn't deal with. As of right now I'm currently doing a job for Killa friend King he hired me to find his ex girl.

This has been a task for me it seem as if she disappeared. Once we arrived at the Water Grill we was seated and waited for our waitress to come. As we waited I scoped the place out and all of a sudden this beautiful girl came up she looked as stuck as I was her beauty blew my mind back "umm is you gone take our order or just stare at my man like a piece of meat." I heard cashmere say. I told the lady what we wanted so she can go get everything I didn't want her to witness what I was about to say to cashmere. Once she walked off I looked at cashmere and she gave me a evil glare "you didn't have to be rude." I said to her " I wasn't being rude I was just being honest, I seen the way you was looking at her you used to look at me the same way." She said sadly " it's nothing like that babe stop being so jealous all the time." I said to her she just gave me a look I couldn't explain.

I don't understand where this jealousy came from I never gave her a reason to think it's another woman in the picture I never once cheated or anything "you need to stop with the insecurities Cash for real." I said getting irritated "the fuck you mean I need to stop with the insecurities, you need to stop looking at other bitches like you want to fuck them." She snapped back at me "jealousy is a ugly trait you know that right." I said laughing a little. "Fuck you danny." She said getting up and walking out the restaurant.

I hope she didn't think I was about to chase her. A few minutes later the waitress came back "I'm sorry for the wait its busy today." She said looking at me probably wondering where Cashmere went "it's okay I understand." I spoke back " are you ready to order." She asked looking down at her pad "I'll take a steak and lobster dinner with a side salad please." I said back while handing her my menu "and for the lady" she asked politely "she left so it's just me." I answered back to her "ok sir I'll be back with your order." She said. I stopped her before she could walk off "you can call me Danny." I said "okay Danny I'll be back with your order." She said flashing me a smile.

I sat and scrolled on Facebook while I waited for my food to come back in the mist of being on Facebook Cashmere called "wassup." I spoke into the phone " so you just gone leave me to catch a uber home." She said in a irritated tone "look no one told you to leave, you chose to leave on your own I wasn't about to chase you." I said into the phone "if I'm suppose to be your girl you should of came behind me like I do when we argue and you try to leave." She said "see that's the difference between you and me I'm not about to chase you Cashmere" I said i guess i pissed her off because she hung up on me.
I never been the type of nigga to chase after a female I don't care how long I been with a person it just isn't me and I'm not changing for no one and that's that.

After a good minute the beautiful girl finally came with my food "thank you so are you going to tell me your name." I asked which caused her to smile at me "my name is Denver." She said as she walked away. When she walked away I thought about it her name sound so familiar to me but I couldn't put my finger on it so I left it alone. After I finished eating I got up and left but not before I left her a fifty dollar tip with my name and number on the napkin.

"We don't chase me we replace em"

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