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You were still there, sitting for no obvious reason, and yet you couldn't bring yourself to leave. You had to see his eyes, to hear his angry or annoyed voice.

You were trying to remember when he suddenly started to be so protective around you. Was he just being nice since you saved the children before, the other demons for no reason? Or was he being cautious? Why was he so mad at you for hurting yourself? And suddenly so silent and nice? 

While you were thinking about the reasons his purple eyes were looking at you, still dozing off in your own world mumbling that you will get stronger. 

You met his eyes. Suddenly you couldn't even look at him. Your heartbeat went crazy, and you couldn't breathe normally. 

" Shit i thought i got over this transformation issue..." 

You mumbled to yourself. You never had a problem to transform into a dragon, but when you looked at his eyes, and his half bandaged naked body you barely had any control. 

Was it, Lust?

You stood up trying to ignore him, you didn't even hear him saying your name, you just wanted to get out, or you would surely lose it right there and now.

But his hand on your wrist was stopping you. 

Your name: Azazel, ( you breathed out, trying to calm yourself down) not now... 

You pulled your arm and rushed outside, through your nostrils was already going fire out, so you tried to breathe in and out to calm down. To your luck only Rita saw you, which already knew some parts of your story. 

You've heard another steps and knew that Azazel went out to follow you, but he only saw your running figure in the hall. 

Later on, you jumped in the first lake you've found in order to calm yourself. Images of his body, of him when he was training, all came to your mind... why now?

Is it because you touched his hand back then in the room?

Nah, that's not possible. .. . 

You spent almost half of a day in that lake, you just needed a nice cold water, and some time alone. 

You were biting your lip to stop the thoughts that were coming to your mind. 


(Sorry for short chapter) 

𝓐𝔃𝓪𝔃𝓮𝓵 𝔁 𝓡𝓮𝓪𝓭𝓮𝓻 (𝓗𝓲𝓭𝓭𝓮𝓷  𝓯𝓮𝓮𝓵𝓲𝓷𝓰𝓼)Where stories live. Discover now