Bus Rush

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Keith re-adjusted himself futher away from the noise of the crying kid and tried, but failed, to turn up his headphones louder then it already was.

He sighed, Panic! At The Disco blaring in his ears as he waited for the bus to finally stop at the university. The rain finding its way down the windows and splashing silently into puddles forming in the black pavement. He tapped his fingers on his skin as he held his head up with his hand.

Glancing around the corner he pulled a headphone out of his ears and his hand bag over his shoulder before preparing to stand up. The sound of  clicking catching in his ear, he turned to find a brunette beauty taking picture of, what he assumed was him, across the aisle of the bus.

Scowling, Keith stood up abruptly, frightening the boy, and pulled the bus line, informing the bus driver to stop at the next stop.

After about 2 minutes of glaring at the brunette, Keith put his headphone back in his ear and made his way off of the bus as it stopped at his stop.

"Wait! Mullet boy!" he heard, almost mutely behind him.

He looked over to the man and pulled a headphone out of his ear, once again sighing. "Yes?" he snapped back, clearly agitated and late for his classes.

Noticing that the Cuban looked like he had something important to say, sitting right in the top of his tongue, Keith sighed for the third time that morning. "If you have somthing to say-" he took out a price of paper from his bag and scribbled something on it. "Text me-- I-I'M LATE AND YOU SEE--" "Okay"

After awkardly shuffling away, Keith made his way up the glass stairs of the Voltron Legendary University's ( VLU ) B-Wing. Eventually opening the doors, and walking into the paint covered art room.

"Hey Keith" a boy with rounded off glasses and blonde hair patted the seat next to him and filled Keith in on what they were supposed to be doing.
"So why you so late? Usually your here before anyone else."

"It was raining and Shiro yelled at me to grab and umbrella, in which we couldn't even find and the bus got held up. Plus, there was this c- boy on the bus taking pictures of me and yea..."


"What?" "nothing nothing my gay boi"

Opening his mouth, Keith was at a lost for words.

"Anyways, you better start on your assignment, it's due at the end of class you know" He continued before grabbing his bag and leaving Keith to do his do.

"Wha-- shit" Keith scribbled down answers and drew a picture of the moon, orbiting the earth atmosphere, stars and earth beside/behind it before rushing out of class to wait for the bus. He had nothing inparticular to do after school but he didn't wanna stay there alone. It'd require him to communicate and he really didn't want to do that.

The rain pouring down on The bus and the clustered amount of people standing/sitting on the bus caused him to cave in and get off the bus early, taking cover in the nearest Starbucks to refill his Energy Meter ™.

The little bell above the door ringing and the cashier bolting up, as if he'd been sleeping, had Keith moving faster to order his cup of Joe.

"Hello~ what would you like??" A Hawaiian?  boy behind the counter asked as he waited for Keith to finish scanning the board for anything new.

"Um, Can I get a hazelnut macchiato?" Keith asked already knowing the answer.

"Mhm, what size?" the man pressed a button on the cash register.

"Veinte is fine" the word akwardly rolling off his tongue as Keith pulled out his wallet and payed before sitting down in one of the leather chairs near the windows, the smell of brewing coffee keeping him motivated to wait out the rain.

Picking out an overused sketched from his bag, Keith started drawing whatever came to mind. In this case, it was the boy from the bus. His face slightly pointed as if reached his chin, the way his nose was pointed upward as if his emo was larger than his neck. Chuckling, Keith got up as he name was called for his order.

He sipped his hot drink as he contently waited out the rain, drawing occasionally, and watching as cars of busy people zoomed down the watery roads.

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