The Road to Ruin

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Username: FandomsDoneRight
Name: Rin
Preferred Pronouns: She/Her/Hers
Persona: Ruin
Preferred Pronouns: He/Him/His
Song Suggestion: Mirror - Lil Wayne Ft. Bruno Mars
Trigger Warnings: Light discussion of mental illness.


When I became a lot happier in life and everything seemed like it went my way a lot more, I felt a sense of renewal. However, I could always feel something in the shadows of my sunlight. When my depression was worse, on the days where I couldn't get out of bed, or the days where I cried for hours or was too numb to cry at all. On the days I fell apart, it was like the darkness whispered to me, held me like no one else would. He was there. He was looking at me. Looking through me.

He was always lurking, whether I noticed or not.

But I didn't know that he existed. That he was real. Sure I thought I noticed signs of something, but I thought it to be paranormal, or an animal or something that could be explained. But no, he was me. He was always there.

I remember washing my face in the sink, washing off my makeup, and when I looked up I saw something that wasn't me, and jumped backwards. But they didn't.

Starring me in the mirror was someone who was kind of like me, their skin a pasty white. But that's where the resemblance stopped. Their hair was white of snow, with a dark, dark violet iris and the sclera was not white - but rather was black. They looked like they were angry. Their head cocked slightly to the side.

"What..?" I muttered. I reached out for the mirror and touched it, and when I did I was yanked in...


She was in my world now. She would know how I felt being alone. There was no way she could escape me.

Laying flat on the floor, she seemed to glow in this mundane atmosphere. She sat up, brown hair flowing around her face in loose curls. She flipped over and looked at me, and let out a scream.

"You.." I snarled as I picked her up off the floor - glaring directly into her eyes. "Rin.."

"What do you want?" She panicked. "What's going on? Who are you? Where am I?"

"I'm you."

"You can't be me."

"But I am. I'm the side of you that you keep pushing down and ignoring!" I snapped. Her eyes seemed to well with tears as I tighten my grip around her throat. She was a relatively small girl, it wasn't hard to hold her up. I watched her eyes change like mine for a little, and her hair begin to lose color the longer I held her. It seemed to be killing her, so I released and let her drop to the ground where she sucked in a long breath. Her hair was brown again and her eyes were cleared.

She turned her head up to see me. "What is wrong with you?"

"You try to abandon me, Rin, you try to leave me here all alone." I snarled down at her and she backed up a little. "I am a part of you and you just can't deny it."

"I can't help you. What do you want?"

"I want to be real, I want to live in your world. You used to let me in, you used to let me live in there with you!" I shouted and pulled her up off the ground by the collar of her shirt. "Let me in." When my fingers touched her already porcelain skin, I could see the changes and damages it had done to me. "Don't leave me alone.. Please.."

"I don't.."

"Don't leave me in the dark." I said. I didn't know what was happening. Suddenly part of me was falling apart. And I held tightly onto her hands as I fell to my knees, it was my own talents taking over me when I couldn't pass them onto Rin.

"W-What..? Leave you in the dark?" Rin looked around where we were. "Do you mean here? I can't pull you out of the dark. When I do, my whole world will be dark. I can't give up my moment of happiness to keep you satisfied by killing me."

I found myself glancing up at her and she asked. "Why is your hair white if you're supposed to be me? And my eyes aren't those colors. If it's possible, you may even be paler than me. You're not like me. You're just here to ruin me."

"But you were curious of Ruin, something about me seemed familiar and safe even if it caused turmoil you see. I'll always be one step behind you, and if your footing fails - well you'll have a hard time falling away from me. But if you let me in.. you adjust to me. You learn to live with me and we're both happy." I was trying to convince the girl standing in front of me. But I knew what I was telling her was wrong, all she had to do was say..

"Alright." She nodded her head. "Alright, fine. If what you say is true, then I guess there's a world in which we both exist."

I stood up and looked into her eyes, I could see the panic in them.


And as a result, Ruin grabbed the girl's face, when he was gripping her tight the color began to fade from her hair; starting at the roots and ending at the tips. Her irises changed to a purple, scleras to black. Finally black smoke poured from both of their mouths.

Almost like a flash of light passed through the room, Ruin vanished from sight and Rin found herself fall back onto the ground. When she finally fell onto it, the bathroom reappeared.

Gasping for air, she choked as she sat up. Glancing at her hands for any confirmation that she was still there and that was a dream. Grabbing her hair and looking at it the brown color had returned.

She stood up and looked into the mirror - and she saw her.

"Don't worry.." a voice seemed to echo through the room. "I'm still here.."

"I won't leave."

A shade filled the room, and circled around Rin. When it did, Ruin became alive through her, and she had no control. Her hair color would fade and her eyes would alter. Whenever he wanted, he seized her, and all she was left was to shut down.

There was nothing left to do, but to stop fighting.


Hi everyone!

This is my persona Ruin and the story I had for it. I hope this helps you get started with yours! Of course you don't need to do it the way I did (what with the changing POV's and everything) but this was how I saw my persona coming to life by being a relationship between someone and their mental illnesses and how that functions. I thought of him being unstable in some senses and falling apart without latching onto me.

I'm not going to include information about me/social media's or anything else you all would include because I'm the author so if people wanted to see this they probably could without this.

Anyways sorry about the delay, I've had some back problems lately that have made it near impossible to do anything. I also have extended the deadline for writing this so you guys can have more time because I did take more time than I thought I would.


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