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He is no longer Robin and just doesn't work with Nightwing so...... Dick Graysonese question: If advantages are good qualities and disadvantages are bad qualities, are vantages just qualities?

Let's see what all our heroes bring to the table shall we? OK, let's get these ones out of the way: Every single one of the heroes bellow bring their bravery, courage, and heroic mind-sets, and loyalty to the team.. minus a few, but we'll get to them. Plus, everybody is vulnerable to inhibitor collars and can be defeated by somebody stronger than themselves, obviously.

This took forever. I am so sorry.


Well, being the leader of Young Justice, Aqualad obviously has quality leadership skills. He has very good battle strategy and can pack quite the punch. He knows how to keep his cool in all types of situations and gets the job done. He also brings his weakness to heat, which can get in the way if the situation gets hot (literally, not metaphorically). But, he's the go-to-guy for underwater fights.


Nightwing's a BA. He brings a frickin arsenal to the table. He has the best agility, martial arts, resourcefulness, disappearing act, and hacking skills not only on the team, but also the Bat proteges, by far. He gets some of the greatest hits ever and is simply BA. There is no known trap Nightwing has not gotten out of. But, being a human with no powers, he is vulnerable to common things, such as bullets, electricity, water, etc.

Kid Flash

Kid Flash is definitely the hothead, arrogant one in the group. But, he isn't annoying about it, he makes it lovable. Kid brings superspeed, a scientific mind, and good humor to the table. Like all speedsters, he is vulnerable to: electricity, water, being trapped, and hunger ;P. Because speedsters are connected to the Speed Force, a poweful speedster can actually become so connected they can take away another's speed. Also, he can get sucked into the Speed Force if he's not careful. He isn't quite as fast as the Flash or Impulse.


I'll be honest and say, I don't think Artemis brings a lot to the Team. She is very deceptive and cunning. She brings martial arts, and agility too, but she's not even close to Nightwing's level. She's a quick-thinker but sometimes her loyalty to her family sometimes interferes with her field work. But it does have it's upsides.

Miss Martian

Miss Martian has a lot of abilities to offer the Team. She has her telekinesis, shape-shifting, density-shifting, telepathy, flight, camouflage, and the Bio-Ship. Using all of her abilities and individual qualities such as: caring, kindness, and determination. But, she becomes very weak around heat.


Superboy is easily angered, or at least was, but I'll bet his temper is still easily ignited, just not as bad. He has his super strength, hearing, and leaping. Along with infrared vision, and he also has the potential to develop all the powers Superman possesses. He has Wolf by his side and Sphere just a whistle away. However, he is vulnerable to kryptonite and isn't quite on Superman's level of power. He lacks heat vision, flight, freezing breath, and superspeed.

Robin III

Being the third protege of Batman, Robin has developed exceptional hacking, martial arts and can disappear quite well (But not as well as Nightwing, none of the Bats {except the Bat himself} are as good as Nightwing). He is intelligent, resourceful, focused during missions, and close with the people around him like his adoptive family. Like the rest of the Bats, he is a normal human being, he doesn't have superhuman powers. Thus, he is vulnerable to electricity, weapons, toxic gas, and anything else that can bring harm to humans.

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