† prologue †

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A/n sorry for not being active I'll try to update this story as much as possible though since I'm super interested as to see where things go with this , also I have school so slow progress [ 1 chapter a week ] also disclaimer story will contain lemons and gore and all that stuff.

As the sun was finally getting up after a long night of it being hidden away the gentle breeze of the morning washed over the little village like waves against the shore. It was cold outside but it wasn't something unbearable for the already used villagers.

The sun was gradually rising from behind the ice berg giving it an orange hue making it seem as if the Isle was set a flame. It was the best time of the day. When every soul of the isolated iceberg was deeply asleep and there was no one to disturb you. At least this is what a certain villager of the town felt.

He took a long drag from his gradually shrinking cigarette. The smell of tobacco reeked from behind the Isle. No one would go there if they didn't have a death wish. The "orca danger zone".

A groan escaped the black haired man as he finished his 15th cigarette this morning. He threw the cigarette butt into the freezing water , making it hiss satisfyingly at the touch of the cold liquid. A sound he enjoyed deeply.

He ran a hand through his tousled black locks a scowl taking over his pale features. His pale skin had a huge contrast against his obvious dark circle under his eyes indicating this wasn't the first time he had stayed up till sun rise. But to be fair there wasn't much to do at this time of the morning , and awfully quiet was it too but something still made him feel at peace as he'd inhale the nicotine down his lungs enjoying the cold breeze against his exposed skin.

As he was sitting on the cold cliff his thought were cut short when a loud thud was heard. A crashing against the ice berg. He got up looking around.

"What the-"

He got up to see what had made such a noice. He walked along the shore not long before he located a rowboat about 150 feet away from him. It must of followed the stream and gotten here by accident. He let his curiosity get the best of him as he approached the tiny boat , his gloved hands where hidden deep into his pockets.

His stare bore into the boat as he crouched down to get into the level of the tiny boat. As he looked in he noticed a small girl lying huddled to keep warmth. He had failed to see her as he had approached the boat. She seemed to be unconscious.

A gentle and pained expression was painted across her soft features and for the first time in a long time something inside the lone man made him feel warm inside. 'Was it really her ?' He thought , for sure it had to be , but how ?

He stared at her for a while seeing her chest rise In slow movements as she inhaled the icy oxygen. Catching himself off guard he reached out a hand to caress her rosy red cheek. She didn't flinch at his touch and continued to lay huddled in the boat. Her hair was a mess as it was sprawled across the boat looking like a bed of [ h/c ] hair. Her frozen locks framed her face perfectly. It pained him to see her here , how did she even get here ? He was stunned but for a moment he knew it was best to leave , he didn't want her to see him like this . .

The sun was now up high on the sky and movement was starting to be heard from the village. Conversation was heard from just around the corner. It was Shirogane and Peraco. 'Geez those idiots' the man thought to himself as he stood up abruptly. He hurried away , certainly he'd love to mess around with Shirogane. He was a sadist after all. Hurrying away he took one last glance at the unconscious girl before leaving into the ocean.
"[ Y/n ]"

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