❥ chapter 3

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[ Y/N ]


You sat on a stool besides the bed you had once woken up in when you first got here. The only difference from then was that a severely injured Shirogane lay there now. A bruised lip and a broken arm.

You bit your lip down.

"How can anyone be so cruel ?"

You asked angrily. Of course you weren't expecting anyone to give a direct answer.

Shirogane had gotten beat up by the mysterious man named Idate. Luckily Rockma was around to save him from getting any life threatening injuries. Once you had arrived in town you had alarmed Yukisada about everything that was taking place. He told you to stay in the house as he went and brought Shirogane back. And thus leads to the following , Yukisada had taken care of shiroganes wounds as he explained what had happened once you left.

You felt so horrible for leaving him , you knew he only wanted his friends best but you still felt bad for not doing anything.

"I'm so sorry I should've stayed and helped you" you said as you took ahold of Shiroganes good hand. He looked at you with narrowed eyes , was he really glaring at you ?

"You just think I'm a coward don't you?"

He said , hurt visible in his voice. Your eyes widen.

"Of course not Shiro ! It was brave of you to have stayed there while I went and got help , it's just that I feel as if maybe I could've helped to prevent you from getting so hurt . . "

You looked down.

"R-really you think so ?"

Shiro asked with a hopeful tone , his cheeks tinted red. You nodded biting your lip.

"Yeah of course !"

You said. He turned away from you and you could hear him sob. Was he aright ?

"U-ummm Shiro are you crying ?"

He shook his head violently still not facing you. He put the covers over his head , muffled words could be heard.

"I-I'm gonna sleep some !"

He said. 'Gee so weird , I hope I didn't say anything wrong . .'

You left him be for the time being and went to check on Yukisada. He was still cooking.

"U-umm Yukisada want me to help you with anything ?"

You questioned. He turned to face you as he stood by the sink.

"No it's okay I'm finished now. I was wondering if we should wait for Shirogane to join us , or just spare him some for when he wakes up"

He said with a thoughtful hum. You decided you could wait for him to join you guys , after what he'd been through you doubted he'd want to be eating alone. Then again you were pretty hungry . .

"We could spare him some , geez I'm starving . ."

You said as your stomach rumbled in tune making your cheeks light up in embarrassment.

"Sure let's dig in then !"

You had finished eating dinner with Yukisada and decided you'd go with Shiro to thank Rockma. Sadly Shirogane was still asleep so you decided not to wake him up , after all he's been through a lot today he needs some rest.

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