Chapter 29

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Chapter 29

I woke up with my head pounding I felt arms around my waist tighten around me, then I felt lips on the side of my neck. I groaned and stretched I heard a deep chuckle behind me. I turn over and see Zack looking at me with a smirk I shot right up and looked around the room I grabbed my head as the pain hit again.

" Ugh damn." I groaned looking around the room and see everybody else still sleeping , I turn to look down at Zack who has no shirt own I tore my eyes away from his six pack I saw him grab something from the table. I yawned and heard him clear his throat.

" Here." he said holding a glass a water and two pills,I eyed them and looked at him.

" It's Asprin Mads." He chuckled I rolled my eyes and put the pills in my mouth and took a sip of the water.The water felt refreshing down my throat , I pulled the blanket off me and rolled on he floor.

" Someone's hungover." Zack said getting out of the sleeping bag he walked on the other side of the sleeping bag and looked down at me.

" Ughh..." I said rolling on my back I shield my eyes from the brightness coming from the window , zack chuckled and bent down and picked me up bridal style.

" Come on sleeping beauty." he said kissing my forehead and walking up the stairs.

" If you drop me, I'll slap the shit out of you." I said wrapping my arms around his neck,

" I"ll never let you go ." he said setting me down inside my room, I smiled at him and walked in my closet and grabbed a pair of black tights and a white and pink crop top, I turned back around and see zack staring at me with a smirk on his face. I looked down at myself and see I'm stil in my underwear and my bra, I looked at zack and winked at him.

" I'm going to take a quick shower meet me in the kitchen after?" he said wrapping his arms around my waist I nodded and turmed around and smiled at him, he brought his lips to mine and kissed me for a second then walked out of my room.

" Shit what am I doing..." I said rubbing my head I walked to my bathroom and hopped in the shower , I washed my hair and wrapped a towel around me and got out. I plug in my blow dryer and walked out of the bathroom to my room. I grabbed my phone and walked back on my bathroom. I see twenty missed calls from Daniel and fifteen text messages and two voicemails .I set my phone down and turned on my blow dryer and dryer my hair.I threw on my clothes and brushed my hair , I didn't bother with my makeup I put my contact lenses in and grabbed my phone and went downstairs. I see everybody already up with their heads on the table.

" Good morning loves!" I said laughing they all groaned I giggled and opened up the fridge and grabbed the milk and went to the cupboard and grabbed some apple jacks.

" Here guys take this." Zack said carrying a tray of glasses of water and Asprin, they all groaned a thank you and walked back in the living room. I giggled as they all walked out , I grabbed a bowl and turn towards Zack.

" Want some?"

" Yeah thanks." he said flashing me his smile , I grabbed another bowl and set it infront of me and poured the ceral and milk in. I handed him his bowl and smiled at him, he smiled back I grabbed my bowl and say beside him.

" You're really beautiful you know?" Zack said nudging me on my side , I looked at him and saw him smiling at me .

" Thanks Zackie that means alot to me."I said squeezing his hand , I saw his cheeks to theirs red and he looked down.I heard the doorbell ring I got up and walked out the kitchen

" You don't know how much you mean to me." he mumbled before I walked out , I turn around and saw he's head down I sighed and walked to the door and see my brother there with my keys in his hands

" Hey Mad's just wanted to stop by and say have fun on your trip, Don't forgot to check in ." he said kissing my cheek. " Bye." I said closing the door. I walked back to the kitchen and see Zack washing our bowls.

" You didn't have to do that."

" It's all good " he said wiping his hands off with the towel.He wrapped his arm around my waist and led me to the living room, everybody was already dressed and have their bags ready .

" Last night was so much fun we have to do it again after this dumb camp thing." Lauren said putting her bag on her shoulder . Everybody grabbed their stuff and walked to the door, I went back upstairs and grabbed my two duffle bags and my purse and my phone and went downstairs and closed the door and locked it.

" To solve the whole carpooling this we"ll take my dads car ." I said grabbing dads keys from my pockets and unlocking his car and opening the trunk to his Black escalade. Everybody put their bags in the car and got inside. I was driving and Zack was in the passengers seat , Lauren and Kevin were beside eac other and Kaylee and Tyler next to each other.

" Everyvody ready?" I said starting the car .

" Let's get this camping trio started!" Kevin yelled eveybody started laughing. I shook my head and turned up the radio and the song we are young started playing , I pulled out of the driveway and drove to school.



Hey guys.

The next few chapters are going to be about their camping trip if y'all are lost . Every year the Juniors take a camping trip and they fake get married and basically act like a family there . I haven't released who and who is married that's the next chapter if your wondering is Daniel is going on the trip?

Yes he is. So expect some of Daniel in the the next chapters .

People are also wondering did Daniel and Madision break up?!?'

Kinda their on a break sorry if I didn't make that any clearer in the story...



Who do yall like better?


Please please be patient the next few weeks I have cheer camp on Sunday through wensday then I'm going to Hawaii that Thursday for a week do guys I'm going to try to update'

Be patient guys!


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