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Crystal's P.O.V

My hearts still beating fast thinking about her, ugh! Why does she have to be all... all... I don't know!

We had a lot of time to finish the project why finish today? What did she have to do?

*Beep, Beep*

I look at the text on my phone

'Hey girlie ;)'

'Hi Samantha' I text back

'So theirs this party on Friday and I thought we should go'

'No, I'm not that person'

'Come on we are seniors! If we don't go to one party this would suck!'

'Whose party is this?' I text back yawning

'It's one of those rich girls in school'

'Wow soo descriptive'

'Shut up :('

'You know me ;)'

'So you going?'

'Fine just this one party'


Wait when is Friday?

I look up at my calendar

Oh shit it's tomorrow!


(The next dat still crystals p.o.v but before the party)

What to wear? what to wear!?

I don't want to be like those sluts so..

How about this? I looked it the mirror smiling

Skinny jeans, a crop top shirt? I don't know it's not slutty just the shirt barely goes over my belly button and there is a flowy part in the back, and shoes with a little wedge

I brushed my hair and let it down

Hmm... okay fine just a little bit of lip gloss

As questions ran through my mined it was interrupted my a knock on the door

I grabbed my phone and ran down stairs

Glancing at the tiny piece of paper on the counter

Of course she is gone off, my aunts never home

I opened the door to see Samantha smiling at me

"Dam girl look at you!" she smirked looking me up and down

"You don't look bad yourself" I blush pointing at her red dress

"Well thank you" she winked

"Oh shut up lets just go"

"Touchy" Samantha chuckled

I opened the door to the front seat of my Honda as Samantha sat in the passenger

"I picked a all girls party of corse" Samantha smiled

"Uh huh, so where is this place" I ask


After a lot of miss communication we finally got there

"So exited!" Samantha squealed

I give a little smile and got out


Like every party there is loud music and people grinding everywhere

At the first second I lost sight of Samantha and wondered off on my own and found myself luckily to a bartender and got myself water

"Hey there" a voice next to me called out

I turn around to spot a girl with long blonde died hair "hi?"

"Just noticed you alone and thought you needed company by the way my name is CeCe" she winked

"Oh, my name is crystal nice to meet you" I smile

"It's so boring my friend always pulls me to these parties which kills me" she sighed

"Oh" is all I could say

"I've seen you around in school we are in the same science class" she basically yelled to be because of the music

"Right, now I know" I smirk "your the girl that was on one of my labs"

"Right-" she was Interrupted my a sudden burst of squealing and giggling and a lot of chattering coming from the entrance

In the corner of my eyes I saw a familiar figure

"Hey to much people are here lets go somewhere else" CeCe yelled pulling me upstairs of the huge house

"This is much better" she smiled pulling me into a nice quite room

"Ya it is" I nod

"I know she is going to kill me but I can't hold it much longer" CeCe said coming closer to to me making me eventually hit the wall

"Huh!?-" I was cut of by soft lips on mine

I can't stop her, feeling to.. weak..

"You taste so sweet, it's so addicting" CeCe purred

I gasped for air, sliding down the wall slowly

"Now let me taste more of you"

CeCe came down to me and licked my neck

"S-stop" I weakly whimpered

"So cute" she smirked then stopped

"Dam it! you already have a mark!" CeCe hissed in a inhumanly way

Why is the room getting blurry? I thought to myself


The last thing I heard was a door opening and wait being lifted off me before I fell into a pitch dark sleep



Don't worry 'The Perfect Match' will be too soon!

Thanks for reading!

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Hope you like it!

~ Starr




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