2. Introductions and Confessions?

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Taehyung's POV
"May as well break the ice since we're gonna be sitting next to each other for a year. Wanna be friends, JK?"

"Listen... I'm weird and so not ready to date. Nor is Kookie or Jungkook" JK explains with a lemon pie smile spread from ear to ear.

He's seen right through my act! I thought, mentally face palm and cringing at my pathetic existence. JK mumbles a little statement that makes my eyes widen even more than before, "Plus, how can you love someone who doesn't love themselves?"

Can JK not love himself? Not if I can help it! I will help JK love himself.

"What are you talking about? I really want to get to to know you, as a friend." I say making Jungkook's eyes to widen in shock, "D-Don't act surprised. I think everyone seems to like you." I mumble quietly enough, but not quiet enough. Since Jungkook had followed my gaze towards a table of students, I was referring to a group of popular boys who keep on looking Jungkook up and down, like a lamb skewer or something. I didn't like it one bit. I turn my head at Jungkook who rolls his eyes, obviously annoyed, and sighs in dissatisfaction.

"I'd love to hang out, but I'm meeting up with my big bro and his friends for lunch. Unless, you'd like to join?"

Oh crap! I promised Jin I would eat lunch with him! Shoot!

"Oh my god! I need to meet up with my older brother in the cafeteria as well. Please don't take this the wrong way, I just promised-"

JK shuts me up by placing an index finger gently on my lips, I feel all the blood from my body rush to my cheeks.

"Hey, its fine! I understand, we'll catch up some other time and I can introduce you to Kookie and Jungkook. They'll love you!" JK explains nonchalantly while continuing to listen the teacher who is still rambling on about home work and how this is a subject we need to pass in to become successful and blah blah blah bleh~!

Ding! Dong! Dang!

"Ummm... here!" JK says while messily scribbling something on a piece of neon pink post it note paper, he passes me the paper and I unfold it as he leaves me alone in the classroom in a hurry.

'Call me some time! -JK'


"Hey Tae-tae! Let's get going to the cafeteria, Hoseok, Jimin, and his little bro should be there already." I hear Jin say from the door way behind me with Namjoon on his phone and Yoongi who is struggling to stay awake as usual.

I know Namjoon because, duh! He's my older bro's boyfriend and I won't let Jin date anyone unless I've approved them! But, I know Yoongi because we were internet friends for a little while now. Then, he wanted me to meet his boyfriends; Park Jimin and Jung Hoseok. Then Jimin wanted me to meet his younger brother, who I haven't met or seen just yet. Apparently, he's my age and a 'cute little bunny' as he would say?

Apparently, Jimin and Jin have been playing Cupid secretly behind my back since they've wanted me to go on a date with this mystery bunny.

Once we enter the cafeteria I'm greeted by 3 other familiar faces. Wait, 4 familiar faces? There in the seat in front of me is JK with his legs crossed, coloring in a drawing he probably made himself; a portrait of himself that I've got to say looks incredible!

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