I Love You Even If I Die

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Chapter 1

It was cold outside and rain was falling hard, there were far-off sounds of thunder, and she could see the flashes of lightning. April ran through the rain, her black hair was sopping wet and sticking to her face and clothes when she finally reached a hiding place. She hid in the side of a building where there was an oning that protected her from the rain. She slid down so that her knees where up and she could rest her head against them.

She laid her head back against the wall and sighed, she always walked home alone in the rain. Well she always walked home alone most of the time. Her mother could care less about where she was. She never once said that they loved her, she released a few tears just thinking about it. She loved her mother so much even if she ignored her at times and even if she had to basically raise herself. Her mom always thought that having April was a huge mistake and shouldn't have happened.

She pushed her wet black hair over her shoulder and grabbed her cell phone, it was the worst phone ever but at least she had one. It was a razor flip phone and it could only call and text. There were no messages from her parents only her best friend, Yuki, had sent her a text.

Yuki: Did you make it home in the rain okay?

Me: No...Im waiting for the rain to die down

Yuki: Ok I gotta go, my mom is bothering me to eat my sushi....being asain is not easy lol...anyways love you girl!!!! see ya tmw!

Me: Ok love you 2 girl! Bye:D

Yuki: Before I go we are matching tmw!!! Its matching Friday remember? Anyways wear a red v-neck and white shorts! And you know which ones!! ta-ta my friend

April closed her phone and sighed, Yuki had been her best friend since 2nd grade and they were inseperable, they were like sisters. Yuki is South Korean and has straight silky brown hair that reached her lower back. She was really pretty and alot of guys had came after her in high school. She liked her hair up in ponytails and she was really smart. Now they were juniors and Yuki had been dating this guy Brad since freshman year and they were the number one couple in school.

The rain finally died down and April stood, her black hair dripping with water. She held her phone in her hand and dialed her mothers number, "Hello?" Her mother replied with a stern voice. "Mom...I'm almost home...it just started raining and I couldnt walk." Her mother sighed, "Ok...Why is it my problem that your walking in the rain?...get a fucking umbrella!" Her mom hung up the phone and a warm tear fell from her eyes.

As she was walking she dropped her phone and she bent down to pick it up and her hair was in her face and when she went to get up she accidentally bumped into someone. She moved away her hair and glared at the person, it was James, the best looking guy in the school and the star Quarterback. He was gorgeous and his blue eyes met hers, "I'm sorry" she said, her eyes leaving his gaze.

"You're that April girl right?" He said and that caused her to look at him, how could James the most popular guy in school know her name? She nodded shyly and he smiled, "Here" He took off his jacket and wrapped it around her. "You could get sick...Just give me it back later" He said, his dark brown hair gleaming with little drops of rain. His black jacket was so warm over April's wet body. She never knew the hottest guy in school would be nice to her.

"Thanks alot" She whispered and he looked around before eyeing a group of jocks that stood near the building she had just been at. He said goodbye and then ran to catch his friends.

She arrived home a few minutes later and her parents were sitting in the living room watching TV and they hadn't bothered to leave her any food, she went to the pantry and unlocked her parents secret stash of food and grabbed a handful of chips and a few cans of fruit. She grabbed a water bottle and a fork and ran up to her room.

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