Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

Yuki's mom greeted them with a smile and when they buckled up, she drove off. The girls' first sleepover ritual was to go out to the mall and do a little shopping. "Here girls" Yuki's mom handed them both a hundred bucks. Yuki's mom was a top notch lawyer that no one ever dared go against, she was pretty rich but she didn't show it off by buying a big expensive home or a big expensive car. "I'll be back in two hours after shopping....I'm gonna pick the movies this time and snacks" Yuki's mom winked before driving off. They walked into the mall and walked into each store, even the men stores. Yuki brought a few floral dresses and April brought a few skirts, tees, and make-up which Yuki made her get. "I'm pooped!" Yuki said sitting on a bench next to a guy, he had dark brown hair and harsh deep brown eyes. He wore a striped tee and a black leather jacket.

April took a seat next to Yuki, "My mom's on her way...I have a few extra dollars....wanna go get some Crazy ice cream?" Yuki said giggling when April rolled her eyes at her. "Yeah" They got up and linked arms and walked hurriedly towards the ice cream cart. "Can I have two mint chocolate chip ice cream cones?" The guy behind the counter nodded and scooped up the ice cream. "That'll be ten bucks" Yuki handed him five and April handed the other five. "Thanks for buying Crazy ice cream...have a good day" He said before the two girls left. They had already finished their ice cream by the time they got to the front of the mall and into Yuki's mom's car.

"What movie did you get?" Yuki asked filled with excitement, "Hmmm...Not telling" Her mom replied and ran her fingers through her short black hair. "Ready girls?" They both nodded. "So how's Brad?" Yuki's mom said with a smirk, "he's good" Yuki didn't really like talking about her boyfriend's to her mom.

"We're here" Yuki said grabbing April's hand and running into the house, "I'm so excited to show you all the things Brad gave me" She led April to her room and they heard Yuki's mom putting the groceries away. She unzipped her backpack and emptied its contents onto the floor. She had a bunch of wrapped gifts. She opened one and it was a beautiful diamond necklace, "Oh my god! This is amazing!" She put it on and smiled happily. She opened another one and it was a photobook of them over the past summer's. She put it aside and opened the small gift he gave her at lunch, she opened the small jewelry box and saw a charm bracelet and there was a heart that said Brad and there was a photo of Brad wearing the same one but the heart said Yuki.

"Who knew Brad could be so sweet?" April said causing them both to laugh.

Yuki got a text and she looked at April, "Brad's coming over and he's bringing a friend" She said excitedly. "Wanna go outside?" Yuki asked and April agreed, "Mom we'll be back in a little bit" Yuki's mom yelled an ok and the girls left. It was dark outside and the noon shone brightly in the dark sky. Brad came a few minutes later and Yuki ran and hugged him, "I love you soo much!" she kissed him and Brad pulled way and smiled at her, "I love you too" He kissed her quickly and then nodded at April, "Hey Ape" Brad said smiling when she smirked, "Don't call me that" He mimicked her and she threw him a frown.

James came a minute behind Brad, "Yo nice of you to show up" Brad said with a grin on his face. "Hey April" James said and Yuki nudged April's ribs. "Hey James" He smiled at her and then quickly glanced at Brad, "You came to see your girl...why'd you make me tag along?" Brad rubbed his hands evilly, "To keep her friend busy" Yuki widened her eyes, "Brad!" She hit his arm playfully and he shrugged. "What?" he dragged it out. "Its fine you love birds" April said even though she wanted it to just be Yuki and her for the sleepover. "She'll be back soon" Brad said leading her down the street.

"So...Wanna walk around?" James asked, his eyes had hints of doubt. "Sure" April smiled causing him to relax. They walked down the street and around the corner, "Is your ankle okay?" James asked looking towards her foot. "Yeah, its a bit sore but I'll live" He laughed and she blushed. She glanced at him and really checked him out, he had the most gorgeous blue eyes and nicely tanned skin. His brown hair licked at his eyelashes in an attractive way. They somehow made it outside of Yuki's neighborhood and across the street was a slew of small restaurants and shops.

As they were talking, it started raining, James grabbed April's hand and ran towards a small coffee shop, they were under the oning. He looked into her eyes and his face turned a reddish color but it quickly left, April looked into his eyes which met hers. They were looking at each other with so much intensity. April felt electric shocks go through her and James felt the same. A girl's never made him feel that way before. April didn't realize that he was still holding onto her hand, James leaned towards her and his lips met hers. She instantly kissed him back, he wrapped his arms around her back and pulled her closer. She wrapped her arms around his neck, electricity flew everywhere between them. He deepened the kiss and their tongues were clashing. The kiss was ruined when his phone buzzed, he pulled away quickly when he realized what he was doing.

He glared at her with wide eyes and she did the same, "I'm so sorry!" He gasped and pulled back from her completely like she was a disease. She glared at him with sadness, she knew it was too good to be true. "Damn it!" He hit his head with his hand, "April I should never have done that" He said causing a tear to come from her eyes, "Please don't...I have a girlfriend, an awesome girlfriend" He said and she turned away ashamed and wanted so badly to go back in the rain towards Yuki's house. She thought that they had a connection but obviously not. "I'm so stupid" She told herself as He picked up his phone. "Hey Chelsea...yeah I'll be there you too bye" He shook his head again and looked at April who was now facing opposite of him. "I've gotta go...Chelsea's waiting for me" That was all he could say before turning himself and heading down the street they had walked upon. After he was out of sight she started running, all she wanted to do was get to Yuki's house. She ran into Brad literally and they both fell. "Whoa April! Are you okay?" Yuki asked coming up shortly behind him. She flipped her wet hair over her shoulder. "Yeah...Yuki can we talk later....when your done with Brad?" April asked tears coming to her eyes again.

"Sure...Brad I've got a girl crisis to deal with" She said and he nodded, kissed her for a last time and ran down the street from which he came. They walked quickly back to Yuki's house and dried off, they got comfortable and then April started crying and told Yuki everything that happened. "That jerk!" Yuki said as she scrunched her hair with a towel. "We'll pig out all night!" April smiled and thanked her friend.

Okay so what do you all think??????? Tell me in the comments below:D

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