Chapter 3

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Chapter 3

On Monday, April and Yuki walked to school together again. April still couldn't stop thinking about James and their kiss. He probably would just ignore her and that hurt her the most, the least he could do was come talk to her and tell her something that would give her closure or tell her that it didn't mean anything. "When they arrived at school, James was sitting on a bench instead of playing around with the other jocks.

When he looked up he saw April, she had a starbucks coffee in hand and was smiling. Her rare violet eyes met his eyes and then she quicky looked away and back towards Yuki. James stood up and was walking towards her and then suddenly Chelsea started calling out his name, he scowled but he still went towards April. "Hold on a sec babe" he answered her smiling.

He finally reached her and smiled at her, "April can we talk?" She looked at him with fear in her eyes. Yuki was instantly by her side, "What do you want?" she said looking him up and down. "I just need to talk alone...please?" He looked at her with desperate eyes. "I'll be back Yuki" Yuki nodded and watched as April walked away next to James.

"I'm sorry about kissing didn't mean anything to me. It was like in the moment" James said and April just waved him off, "I've already forgotten all about that" she said with the fakest smile ever, "April..." He said looking at her, April's eyes grew sad and she frowned, "James please don't make this any worse" she said as her heart fell. "But April....I'm apologizing the best you can do is accept." He had no idea what he was saying, he felt a sharp pain in his chest for making her sad. He bowed his head when she turned on her heel and walked back to Yuki. "He apologized." She said with a small frown, "He's still a jerk...." Yuki said and was cut off when Brad hugged her tightly from behind. "Hey babe" He kissed her on the cheek and she turned around and kissed him deeply.

April turns away from them and see's James looking at her, before her turns and jogs straight into Chelsea's adoring arms. "Babe!" She smiled excitedly and kissed him. "Have I ever told you how much I love you?" He asked her as the walked by April. "" she answered. "Well I love you alot" he whispered making her giggle.

April heard what he said and that hurt alot, she really liked him and she knew that kiss meant something. Well at least to her, she was mad at herself for thinking she actually had a chance. She followed Yuki and Brad inside the school building. As she made it to her locker she saw Chelsea glaring at her, she kissed James goodbye and made her way to April. "You! James told me what happened...don't ever go near my boyfriend again. He loves me and did you honestly think you'd have a chance?" She laughed at her making April feel small. Chelsea adjusted her cheerleading skirt before walking away from April.

Tears threatened to fall from Her eyes but she kept them in. Although she knew what Chelsea had said was true, maybe that small glimpse of hope, the kiss, made her hope maybe. But that was impossible now...she shook her head and opened her locker. Yuki soon found her and looked at her. "What's wrong?" She asked knowing her best friend. "Chelsea knows about what happened and she wants me to stay far away from James." She said looking at her math textbook. "She's a don't have to do what she says, well unless you want all of her friends to hate you." Yuki shrugged saying it easily.

"That's not funny" April laughed, "Haha" Yuki joined her in laughing. "Yeah it pretty funny" she answered before closing her locker and hearing the bell ring. "Great, first period" Yuki rolled her eyes sarcastically. "Wow so much fun" April answered. They walked to class together and surprisingly James walked in late. "Ms. Schoenberg! I got switched into your class" The teacher rolled her eyes and told him to take a seat. Chelsea eyed him from across but no seats were available near her. The only seat open was next to April and he took it unsurely. He scribbled something down on a note after sneaking glances at April. He passed her the note when Chelsea wasn't looking, April looked over at him gently and smiled when he smiled at her. "Open it" he mouthed looking at the note. She smiled again and unraveled the note.

APRIL CAN WE TALK LATER?? LIKE AT LUNCH? His handwriting was a mixture between print and cursive. She wrote back, SURE WHERE SHOULD WE MEET? She answered and threw the note quickly back on his desk. He quickly unfolded it and smiled at her again. He scribbled back quickly and got up to go sharpen his pencil. On his way back, he placed the note on her desk and locked eyes with her for a moment. She opened the note and read it. MEET ME BEHIND THE GYM...I DON'T WANT CHELSEA TO SEE US. She read it over and over again, hoping it wasn't a date or a fake promise. OK SEE YOU AT LUNCH she replied sliding it over to his desk. He smiled again revealing a hidden dimple which people rarely saw. The bell rang signaling the next class and James stayed behind with Chelsea. They made out in the middle of the hallway but this time when James pulled away, he didn't smile. He usually smiled and his heart usually raced but this time nothing happened.

He scrunched his eyebrows and pulled away quickly. "I've gotta get to class" he said kissing her quickly and walking down the hallway. He placed his hand on his chest and looked back at Chelsea. His heart wasn't pounding hard like usual, he turned back and saw April laughing at something Brad said. His heart pounded hard in his chest, he thought it would fall out. He hardly knew her but why did she have this affect on her. He went into his second hour class awaiting for lunch. He couldn't wait to tell her the truth, The kiss meant alot to him and he only said what he said because Chelsea told him what to say.

It was fourth hour and lunch would be starting at the end of the class. April tapped her pencil against the desk imagining a thousand scenarios that could happen behind the gym. April put her hair up into a bun and sighed. Her heart pounded with nervousness and anxiousness as the bell rang.

She went quickly to her locker to take a deep breath, she grabbed her lunch and then went behind the gym. There he was, James' beautiful eyes met hers and he smiled a small smile at her. "Hey April...long time no see." He said gently coming over to her. She looked at him awaiting what he would say next. "April...I" he began.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 13, 2013 ⏰

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