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I stopped to pick up her flowers on my way to visit her. 12 red roses. They were always her favorite flower.

I began walking, the cold Bradford air surrounding me as I tugged my thick jacket to my body.

I walked into the cemetery and my feet automatically carried me to the place I've visited nine times before this.

I can twice every year to visit her, each time bringing a bouquet of her red flowers. I would bring them on her birthday and the anniversary of her passing.

It hurt me so much that she was gone. I wouldn't except it at first, there was no one my sweet Diana could be gone.

But, after she was buried, reality came crashing down on me.

"Hey Diana," I said, kneeling on the ground and placing the bouquet of flowers next to the dead flowers from last time.

"I miss you," I mumbled, tears beginning to well in my eyes, "and I love you still."

It was true, I would always love her.

"I've recently started seeing someone, just like you wanted. You would've loved her, she's really sweet."

I know Diana would want this, she wouldn't want me to spend my whole life grieving over my loss.

I talked to her a while, the usual routine. I pulled out my phone and began playing Diana from our album Midnight Memories.

I wrote this song for her as a way of letting out my feelings after her passing.

"Well I'll be back soon. I love you, Diana." And with that I left.

I returned to my flat to see Perrie's car in my driveway.

She knew I did this twice a year, so she must've thought I would need someone right now.

I walked inside to see her sitting on my couch, turning around from the noise.

"Hey," I said and she gave me a sympathetic smile, standing and wrapping her arms around me.

I wrapped my arms around her and pulled her close, burying my face in her hair, smelling of coconut.

"Zayn, it's ok to cry. I know you loved her," she said and I nodded, the tears almost immediately spilling down my cheeks.

This was one thing I loved about her, she understood me so well.

"I love you, Perrie," the words tasted foreign as they rolled off my tongue. But I knew it was true.

"Y-you do?" She asked, pulling away slightly to look in my eyes.

I nodded and she immediately smiled, a bright smile. A smile I loved so much.

"I-I love you too," she pressed her lips to mine. This all felt so right, and it was all thanks to Diana.

I know she would be happy for me right about now. She would've wanted me to find another girl I loved.

Obviously no one would replace Diana, it was impossible to do.

-Four years later-

I stared, smiling brightly at the beautiful girl I was able to call mine.

She walked down the aisle, her eyes glued to mine as we both held bright smiles on our faces.

Perrie and I were dating for three years when I decided I never want to lose her. I couldn't bear losing anyone else I loved.


"Zayn," a familiar, melodic, voice rang through my ears.

"Diana?" My eyebrows furrowed as I looked around confused.

"I'm right here," I turned around to see her smiling at me. She looked beautiful her brown wavy hair fell over her shoulders, a light amount of makeup covered her eyes, a solid white dress covering her body, reaching the floor.

"Diana," I repeated and trashed out to touch her, to see if this was real. She pulled me into her embrace upon noticing my hesitance.

It felt so good to hold her in my arms again. I've missed this feeling.

"I want you to know I'm so happy for you," she said as we pulled away,

"I miss you," I said and she have me a small smile.

"I miss you too, Zayn. I've been watching over you since my passing and I'm so happy you found a girl who really loves you. Perrie is lovely and I know you two will have a very happy life together."

"One of the many reasons I love you. But, while we're here I have to ask you something. Why did you do it?" He asked and a small frown took over her features.

"Zayn, I kept so many secrets from you. I always regretted it and always had this feeling of guilt with me. I was depressed and suicidal for years. My father abused me for a long time but I never told you because I didn't want you to worry. I know I should've told you and I'm very sorry," during the time she was talking I hadn't noticed the tears fall from her eyes, or mine for that matter, and my hands she had grasped in hers.

"I-I could've helped you. I should've been there for you," I muttered and she shook her head.

"There was nothing you could've done, this is how it's supposed to be. You with Perrie, and me, well, I'm free now. I'm free from the pain I once endured and I'm happy Zayn." I sniffed and pulled her back into my embrace, not wanting to let go.

"Goodbye Zayn, I love you," and with that she began to fade from my grasp as I sat up quickly, only to be met with the darkness of my bedroom.

Diana*Zayn Malik*CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now