Chapter 9 : lost

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[A/N]; I'm so sorry guys for being inactive, I had tests and exams. This chapter is going to be extra long hihi 🙆🏼

[Friday, after school]

Aoyama-kun was really close to me. He was gently touching my hand. Normally he tries to avoid skinship, but it looks like it doesn't bother him to touch me. I turned around to look at him, he had a slight blush on his face. "Aoyama-kun, don't you mind touching me?", I asked him. He looked at his hands,"when its you, I don't mind..." Now my face was really warm. It was awkwardly quiet. The silence was broken by Zaizen who slammed the door open,"Hey bastard why did you lef-oh [y/n]! Woah did you clean the changing room?" He changed his tone when he saw me."Uh huh, with Aoyama's help.", I answered his question. Zaizen lifted his eyebrow and glared at Aoyama-kun. Everybody from the group came in, I left so they could change.
The coach was waiting for me outside.

"Oh hey [y/n] , I wanted to talk about something.", she came to me. We both talked while walking back to the field. "As you know, there isn't a real football club for girls at our school and you have registered yourself for the football club. I wanted to ask you, if you don't mind, can you join the boys football club for a little? Until we have a official club?"
I looked up to her. She continued,"I really want to form a girl football club, but there aren't many girls who want to join. Maybe if you..", she said while looking at me with begging eyes. "Maybe I ..what?" I asked curiously. "I wanted to ask If you want help me with forming a football group for girls?", she asked help from me. Thats actually not a bad idea, I like football and I could be friends with girls that have the same interests. "Coach , I will like to help you!", I said cheerful. I made her really happy with my answer. After talking about the training for the next weeks, I left school.

[at home, 18:39]

When I came home, my grandma was in the kitchen. She was making soup for me.
"[y/n], your late!",said my grandma worried.
"Grandma, I told you that I would come late today. Did you forget?", my grandma's memory isn't really good anymore. She often forgets things. "You know I'm going a trip this Monday, right?", I asked her to be sure.
"I already prepared some stuff for you, now you say it I want you to do something for me. You know Furi-chan, the owner of the place you guys are going the stay, is one of my best friends. Can you give her this?" My grandmother said while she took out a box wrapped in a flower patterned cloth. I took the box and went to my room. Of course I was curious, but I didn't open it. It must be wrapped for a reason and I respected that.

[Monday , 7:10]

This morning, I woke up with enthusiasm because I really look forward for the trip. My grandma knocked on my door,"[y/n], here are your clothes". She washed my clothes as always and gave it neatly to me. For the trip I wore some comfy clothes instead of my annoying school uniform. A pair of blue knee-length shorts and a loose, oversized T-shirt. I took my purple school bag and went downstairs. My grandma kissed my cheeks for a goodbye and I left. The sky was orange and the streets were empty. At school, there were three big buses. The classes were gathering for the busses. Only the first years and second years were going on the trip. "Good morning [y/n]-chan", I heard a silent voice from behind.

It was Gotou."Good morning Gotou!", I greeted back. We went to the second bus together and took place from behind of the bus. The homeroom teacher also went in the bus and started calling names. He called everybody's name, only Aoyama wasn't here. After 4 hours riding, we arrived at the place. It was a place with lots of nature somewhere behind the mountains, it was beautiful. The hostel was also a cozy place, it was old-Japanese styled. In every room stayed 2 persons. Gotou and I went to the second floor where our room finds place.

Our room was all the way back in the hallway. from the room next to ours, there came creepy sounds. "[y/n] , can you take a look?",Gotou asked me scared. I was more curious than scared so decided to open the door of the room. Gotou was direct behind me, also wanting to see what was inside. "Uh hello?", I asked if there was someone. With little steps we slowly walked more inside the room. We could smell a fresh breeze, this scent was really familiar. I remembered the smell. It definitely was Aoyama. "Aoyama-kun?",I asked. He was cleaning his room. "Did you came earlier to make your room clean?", I asked him. He nodded while he scratched his back.

Gotou was relieved and sighed, "Let's go [y/n]-chan, our first activity starts in a few minutes"

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Gotou was relieved and sighed, "Let's go [y/n]-chan, our first activity starts in a few minutes". We went back to our room. Gotou changed her clothes and I took my jacket and camera. At the entrance hall we saw our homeroom teacher, he was our guide for the trip. We went to the mountains to make a long hiking trip. First we visited a lot of temples and old monuments. After that we went to a waterfall, The nature was breathtaking. After 2 hours we took a little lunch break at a little temple with sakura trees. When we were done eating we went of again. This time trough a path in the forest. We were on our way to visit an old palace. When I wanted to pick out my camera so I could take a picture, it was no longer in my backpack. Oh no, I forgot it at the temple with the sakura trees! I asked the teacher and rushed to the temple again.

I took the pad we took, but I never arrived at the temple. I pasted the same river a couple of times now. Was I lost? I screamed, I shouted but nobody heard me. I ran back to the river and followed in the direction the water was running. I had tears in my eyes of fear. There came rattling noises from the bushes on the opposite of the river. I screamed even harder now. I started running but the noises were following me. I could tell I was closer to temple because of the sakura trees. But I stumbled upon a tree root. My knee started bleeding. I wanted to stand up, but my knee did hurt so much. "[y/n]!", I heard someone calling my name. It was Aoyama. He came to me and asked if I was okay while looking at my knee. He kneeled down and turned his back to me. "Get on my back, I will carry you". I first doubted at his offer but I had no other choice.

"This is the second time I'm carrying you, right?", he said teasingly. I mimicked his voice and we both laughed. "Why were you so scared?", he asked me. "Uh something was following me..", I answered quietly. He made a worried face,"Next time, don't go alone at places like this. That could be someone or something dangerous. I don't want you to hurt yourself."

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