Chapter 1: The background

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-September 2015-

WELCOME! Come one, come all to the life of a regularly heartbroken teenager named Lani. She just turned seventeen a month before school started.

Senior this far. The last four years of high school have been pretty rough. Freshman year was actually kind of great for the most part. A steady boyfriend, good grades, the works ya know? Sophomore year was when the down hill progression started to happen. So remember that stead boyfriend? Yea they broke up. He became something of a best friend though so thats good right? Those grades... yea so she finished the year with a D in geometry. So you see what I mean with the downhill. Junior year wow... where do could I even start for this. Hmm.. okay so long story short, she started dating again. YAY! Wrong. The guy she was dating turned out to be nothing she thought he was . He cheated on her with not one but both genders. So they broke up obviously. After that she started talking to another guy he seemed cool but a little weird for her taste, but she decided to ignore it.

The summertime came around and they made it official. She still thought he was a little off but it's fine l. School started back up and he talked to her as a friend.. a nobody one might say. So there you have it you are all caught up.. shall we begin? Boys... man oh man... is there anyone that'll be right for Lani? The guy she is dating now might as well be a friend why even bother with it.

~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Another day that kids continue to be ignorant in the hallway. I look over to my left, it's a group of boys being loud and trying to flirt with all the girls who walk by. Idiots. I continue to walk down the hallway to my boyfriend's locker. I think its strange that I always have to make the effort to see him but oh well.
"Hey," I say as I squeeze through the people to actually get to his locker.

"What's up," he said in a monotone voice.

"Nothing really, so why do you sound like someone killed your dog?"

"I'm tired babe, hey I'll talk with you later okay," he said as he sped off.

I walked away toward my class, ignoring the weird encounter I just had with my boyfriend. I'm so excited to go to my last class, French II. This is one of the easiest classes I have ever had. It probably would've been easier if I didn't sit at the talkative table. I walked into my class not even three seconds before the bell rang. I sat in my seat and greeted my friends.

So my table I sit at in French consists of a variety of people. Larya who is the girliest of girls, always with nice dresses and skirts, she always wears makeup and have her hair done. Then you have Martez. Martez is like a firecracker, so spontaneous, full of life. Then there is Jonathan. Jonathan is a literal character, he is always laughing and joking around. He dates my friend Nat and they are so cute together.

French flies by because all we do is talk, laugh, quiet down, and repeat. I walk out of class talking to Jonathan and as always he wants my french homework when I'm done with it. I always agree. I get to my locker and text my boyfriend just to see what's up with him, but as always he rushes to practice before I can even get to my locker. I go home, finish my homework, clean up the kitchen, and go to sleep.

~February 2016~

For the last few months, my boyfriend and I have been arguing quite literally every day now. Ever since his best friend Ayo told me he has been in class not only flirting but also feeling on this girl (who I thought was my friend). So I obviously would bring it to his attention and he always denied it. It started to become a problem when more and more people would tell me about what was happening in class.

So I brung it up yet again. I know you're probably thinking like just leave it alone. But I can't just drop that. This time when I brought it up it turned into a bug argument through texts. In the middle of us arguing he told me he had a huge promposal planned for me and a Valentine's day gift. At this point I felt bad but this relationship isn't worth getting played. Plus all we do is argue all the time and he lies so there is no point. Oh well, shit happens. Of course it was sad and everything but at the same time it's like I can't change everyone. I think that is the problem I have, I try to look for the good in people when it isn't any left or I try to believe a person can change, but change doesn't happen overnight.

So yup, we broke up a few days before Valentine's day. A few weeks go by and I started talking to yet another guy. Stop judging me. But I thought this new guy could fill the bottomless hole known as my heart. After a while I knew he couldn't and I'm sure he only wanted sex from me anyway. But I didn't know how to tell him I didn't want to continue trying to pursue a relationship with him anymore so I let him continue falling while I stood at the edge of the cliff and watch him.

The next day at school I found out that Jonathan and Nat broke up. I knew he was kind of sad but he was playing it cool. He probably wouldn't have been so hurt if it wasn't a betrayal of his trust, but it was. You can never know anyones true intentions for you even if you think you really know them

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