I miss you.

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Words won't explain
This type of pain.
It tore my soul
And in its place left a big gaping hole.
There's things to fill it but it's not the same.
I waited for the day I wouldn't hurt anymore but it hasn't came.
I started smoking.
But it's not working.
These little paper containers of poision really don't make me feel any better
So I might as well let my feelings out in a letter.

There's not a day that goes by
That I don't think about the day I almost saved a life.
Every time I think about it... I can't help but cry.
And since you left all the bad things only entice.

It's been three birthdays
Both yours and mine
Since I can say I'm okay
Since I can say I'm fine.

I can't let go of that day
Because you were so close
Yet so far away
And I couldn't find my voice to have my final say.

I wanted to tell you I love you.
I wanted to say I'll miss you.
I really just wanted to hug you.
I wanted you to tell me I'll make it through.

But instead I just stood there and couldn't help but cry,
as they pulled the plug that was your literal lifeline,
as I watched you take your last breath with no way to say goodbye.

Darling, You're On Drugs.Where stories live. Discover now