Sleeping With The Teacher: Chapter Fourteen

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please comment or vote i want to know which stories need to go or need to stay. sorry it's been awhile since i've updated but i'm going to try to update more often

I sat there for a moment as I listened to the phone telling me to hang up or place a call. I threw my phone to my new apartment wall, “Something wrong,” I frowned and turned to see Anna- my future wife. She was truly beautiful but she had an ugly soul. “Aw you broke up with your lover?” she smiled sweetly. She had black hair that came down to her waist with bright green eyes. She was wearing a nice white Victoriana night gown.

She was the reason behind Justin’s sadness. Once I took Justin home that day Anna was at my place waiting with pictures. She wasn’t my future wife for nothing. Her demands were simple. I can’t have anything to do with Justin and I’ll have to marry her and take over my father’s company. “Shut up Anna.” I growled not in a mood for her sick attitude.

She smiled and came over to sit on my lap touching my cheek softly kissing me softly. I didn’t react I couldn’t. I could still hear Justin’s voice in my head. If Anna didn’t have those damn pictures I wouldn’t have moved or quit the best job I ever had and leave maybe the first person I ever loved. I felt my body heat up with anger as I pushed her off my lap.

I would never hit a girl but Anna wasn’t a girl. She was the devil’s daughter. “Don’t be late for dinner. Our parents are coming. I heard your dad got remarried again.” She laughed cruelly as I slammed the front door. I was pissed and steaming. I guess I should tell you who I really am.

My name is Collin Carter and my father ran this huge company. I didn’t know what they really did but my dad was rich. Loaded with cash to do with as he pleased. He was smart I suppose but he was a player. My mother was attracted to my father by his money just like all his other wives.

They got married and soon I was born. I don’t even know if I was his only child really. But anyway I was raised to become the best of the best so that one day I would follow in my father’s footsteps. This is where Anna comes into play. My father knew I was a player and I could care less to be the best of the best. Anna was one of his workers? I guess you can so but she was my dad’s little spy.

Where ever I was Anna wasn’t too far away. I forgot all about her when I was with Justin and that was a huge mistake on my part and now I had to deal with my mistakes. I should have known my father wouldn’t let me go so easily. I finally looked around to see that I didn’t know where I was.

Great. Now I was lost. It was a beautiful day and it was like God was laughing at my face. I took a bite of the forbidden fruit relishing in the sweetness only to become addicted to it. I was lucky to get away without time in jail. Maybe it was for the best. How long would Justin and I last if Anna didn’t step in?

I would have to end it soon because he was about to graduate and what would I do? Follow him? Maybe. Love did crazy things to a person. And Justin drove me insane. I sat on the park bench watching as people passed me  by.

I wanted to talk to Justin again. To tell him how sorry I was. To hold him and kiss him. But I couldn’t. Call fate. Call it destiny. Call it life being a bitch. Justin and I were never meant to be.


“Oh I heard good things about your business Mr. Carter.”  I sat stiffly across from my father who looked like an older version of myself. He smiled at the woman who praised his business.

Sleeping With The Teacher (Boy X Boy) [teacher/student]Where stories live. Discover now