Chapter 24: Lela

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    I opened my eyes to see a surprised pair of big, brown eyes. It was Jungkook's.

    "Oh, yo you're awake." He said.
    "Yo nice to see you too." I replied, still laying in the bed. Jungkook gave me a shhhhhhh sign, I looked to my right to see a sleeping Jaegyun.

      "Awwwww, he's so cute." I gushed, kids will forever be my weakness.
      "Like me." Jungkook said, giving a charming smile.
      "Yah, you're going to lose your charm if you continue." I threatened, ain't nobody like Jaegyun.
      "This charm is going to make you fall head over heels for me." He winked.

       Did this dude automatically transform or something?

       "Come out, I think I should probably send you home before your mom starts to panic or something." He said, taking my hand and pulling out the room.

"Yeah, I guess..." I replied. Jungkook was acting weird.

I put my cardigan on and took my things as Jungkook waited at the door.

"You wanna ride or fly?" He asked.

I haven't flied in a while...

"Fly" I replied.

"Even after fainting, you want to fly?" He asked. "I got a sweet ride though." He continued, playing with his car keys.

"Just fly." I replied, waking past him and opening the door. "You coming or not?"

"Ok fine." He said, following me behind.

      Jungkook closed the door and I summoned my wings while Jungkook did the same.

      "Jinja... I haven't flewn at night in a while." I commented as I flew up, Jungkook followed me behind.

      We immediately started flying towards my place, but we didn't go at a very high speed. It was really awkward.

      "Yah, why are you so quiet?" I said to Jungkook who stopped and put his hands in his pockets.

       He paused for a moment and sighed before looking at me straight in the face. Was he going to war or something?

     "I have something to ask you..."
Jungkook POV:

    "Just who are you?" I asked.

     Lela looked really confused, "What do you mean?"

     "Some people at the acadamy rocognizes you and talk about how your the "Queen of assasins" or something like that. My mom recognized you as well today." I asked. "Who are you?"

      Her face froze, and I could tell she was hiding something, but instead she gave the fakest laugh ever.

       "What are you saying? I'm Lela."

       "Don't lie to me, my mom told me what happened 50 years ago. I just want to know why you are hiding away." I said.

        Her laugh faded away and she looked at me with a serious face.

         " Why do you care? It's not like it matters to you. It's complicated anyway?" She replied.

         "You're fainting how many times? And for some reason you're famous but I have no idea who you are!" I yelled, really frustrated. "Aren't we friends?"

           Lela lowered her head,"You wouldn't understand, even if I told you, it won't help you in any way." She replied softly.

            "My Mom already told me a lot of things, I just want to know more." I said.

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