camp camping

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"It's the weekend whoop!" Maddie shouts in exitment as we leave the school. "So, are we gonna hang out again Keegan?" I was lost in space and wasn't really paying attention. For some reason I was really out of myself. "Huh, oh yeah. Im exited. What do you want to do?" I turn my attention towards her and smile. "I was thinking we would camp this weekend at the lake?" Me and her haven't been to the lake on ages. A lot of old memories are down there, it would be fun to go. "Sure, come over to my house and we'll start packing tonight. Sleep at my place, than we can head out ass-early in the morning." She jumps with excitement and claps her hands. "Yay! I'll meet you at your place in a few!" She gives me a tight hug, I can smell her dandelion perfume. "Bye, see you later." I say before making my way home. Things are getting weird for me. Maddie and I have never had feelings for each other and we won't ever will, But now I'm seeing a while new Maddie. I'm seeing her in more detail. Like how she smiles, and covers her mouth with her hand when she laughs. I don't know why, but this  me feeling strange. Eh, it's probably normal. An hour or two later I hear my door bell ring. Run down my hall over to the door. "Maddie!" I give her a big hug and squeeze the life out of her. "Wow Keegan, we just saw each other." She giggles and we go to my room. "So, you all packed?" I ask her as i sit down on my bed. "Yep, all we have to do is load up the car and then sleep." I swear she is always happy, I haven't ever seen her sad.

We wake up to an alarm telling us to get up because we're going to camp! Just me her and the outdoors. "Keegan get in the car!" I grab my house keys and sprint to the car. "You ready maddie?" I smile and turn to her "hell yeah I am!"

The drive to the lake was quiet and quick. Every Once in a while I would look over at her. Her beautiful hair, her beautiful skin, her beautiful eyes, her beautiful everything. Wait shit, I'm not suppose to be thinking these things. This is going to be weird.

"Hey. Are you okay?" Maddie says to me looking nervous. "Yeah, I'm just feeling a bit weird. Once we get started I should snap out of it though." That's the spirit keegan!" We get out the car and set up the tent. And by we, I mean I set up the tent. She's too weak, or too lazy. She just sits and watches me put everything up.

"You look cute today." She says. It catches me off guard and I drop the mallet on my foot. "Ouch! Shit!" I wince in pain and clench my foot. "Oh shit!" Maddie runs over to me. She leans over me and looks at my foot. She puts one of her cold hands on my back and the other on my foot. My breath hitches and I bolt up. "I'm uh, I think I'm fine." I pick up the mallet and start to hammer everything in.

We sit and talk about nothing important. About music and school. It starts to get dark and there isn't much to do. "Hey keegan, follow me." She grabs my hand and we head to a small trail leading to an opining. Lights hang from trees lighting the water below. "This, this is beautiful." I'm mesmerized by the the way the lights move in the warm wind. It's just so beautiful, everything. I hear clothes ruffiling and I hear a zipper unzip. "Maddie what are you doing!" I stumble backwards slightly. "Take off your clothes." I blush deeply, why am I blushing? "Why?" She smirks. "We're going skinny dipping!" I just look at my mostly naked friend in shock. Right in front of me is a beautiful girl, my friend, standing in nothing but her bra and underwear! I start to take off my clothes, slowly and awkwardly.

I finish undressing and stand there waiting for her to do something. Well only a few seconds later I hear her let out a big roar and away she goes. She jumps off the side of the small cliff I'm on. I hear a splash and I look over the side. "It's not that high Keegan. Come on, it's fun!" She yells from below. "Okay, if you say so!" I yell in response. "Yahoo!" I yell as I run to the edge of the cliff. I jump and look out at the lake for a split second before I crash into the water. I feel the bubbles rising with be as I swim to the top.

I let out a gasp as I let out the air I was holding in. "I feel great!" Maddie says behind me. I feel her cold hands on my shoulder which sends chills down my spine. "That was awesome!" I yell, splashing in the water. I've never felt more alive in my life! This weekend will deffenitly be my favorite.
"Lets swim some more and we'll head on back up to lay down under the lights." She says while she treads the water. "Sounds like a plan my dude." She goes under the water and next thing I know I'm up on her shoulders. "Holy shit!" You scared me!" I say holding on to her for dear life. She laughs and throws me off her shoulders. "Woah!" I yell as I hit the water. "That was mean!" I pout as she laughs at me. "Oh, that was priceless." She continues to laugh at me and mock me. I swim up behind her and scare the shit out of her! She isn't even phased by it. She just turns around, gently grabs my hips and kisses me. Wait, she's kissing me!
"Maddie what are you-" but I can't finish my sentence because she kisses me. Right then and there. The kiss doesn't even surprise me. What surprises me is that I'm kissing back. I'm enjoying the kiss, I'm just in total shock! It feels so right, you know when people say sparks fly, well that isn't shit to what I'm feeling. It's much more, like a boost of electricity is flowing through me, making me strong yet so weak. Fire works shooting out the tips of my fingers as I touch her skin in the warm lake water. The moonlight across the water sparkles around us. There's  nothing around. Just me and her floating in space.

She breaks the kiss. "I'm sorry, I wasn't suppose to do that!" Before I can say anything she takes off swimming. I follow her back up to the spot. "Maddie, please come here." I say but she dosnt respond, she just sits there. I walk over next to her and wrap my arms around her. "I loved the kiss, if that helps." I lean my head on her shoulder. "I'd do it again." I say. She turns her head to me. "I know you don't like me, I know you don't like girls." She says, I see individual tears rolling down her cheek. "Shh, listen. Can I tell you something?" I wipe her tears away from her cheek and she nodds. "I think I like you. Not only that, I think I've liked you for a while."  I sigh. "Please don't pretend like this was nothing." I let out a few tears that I've been holding back. She wipes the tears off my cheeks with her thumb. "Don't cry, I think ive got some explaining to do."

We just lay there together, cuddling, holding each other, so warm. The light from the moon lights up the tent, sparkle in her eyes. So beautiful, why didn't I just understand that I liked her a long time ago. We could be doing this months, even years ago! Maybe not years but you understand. "I want to kiss you again." She blinks a few times. "What?" She asks confused. "I said, I want to kiss you again." Then I lean in and kiss her, this time it's more passionate. Like a fire burning in my heart. A feeling in my gut that made me want to kiss her even more. I deepen the kiss and she puts her hand behind my neck and on my waist. She and u both know that this kiss isn't more then a deep kiss and we won't do anything else but damn, this is a nice kiss. She flips herself on top of me and all we do us just have a deep passionate make out. I've kisses guys but never has it been this great. They always want more but she is happy with what she can get. I like that.

For the rest of the night we lay with each other, just us. Well, and the rest of the people camping but that's not the point. It was us together in the tent, a kiss here and there but just us cuddling. I wouldn't trade it for anything else. This weekend will be something else.

So that was the second chapter. I said it would be longer and I tried. If I put the whole weekend in, it would be too long. At least I think it would be. Please comment, vote, or just read the book. Constructive criticism would be great. Also, correct my spelling errors and grammar if I missed any in the comments. Hope you guys like it!

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 25, 2017 ⏰

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