We're Outta Here!

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We went into the mine with our single candle, and went deeper and deeper into the cold, dark, tunnels. It was hard to tell how deep into the ground we were, the only real way to tell was the temperature. It seemed to get colder, but then it started to get hotter, and then back to cold, and then hot, and then back to cold, anyways, you get the gist (an old word for idea). We came to a crossroads in one of the hotter parts, we went right because it seemed like the right way to go.

About twenty yards from the crossroads, we found a huge cavern. After looking around for a bit, Phil called out that he found something. I quickly ran over to him, and we soon discovered that it was an old drillship! We checked the fuel gauge, full, checked the ignition, perfect, and checked to look for the keys. Everything was there! It seemed like someone, or something left it there just for us. There was a pulley system in the corner that looked like it could hold the ship, so we loaded it up, brought it to the surface, packed up our shack, and flew away.

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