Blood,Sweat and Tears v/s Blood,Sweat and Tears Japanese Version🎶

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Aries: Blood,Sweat and Tears Japanese Version🎶
Tauro: Blood,Sweat and Tears Japanese Version🎶
Géminis: Blood,Sweat and Tears🎶
Cáncer: Blood,Sweat and Tears Japanese Version🎶
Leo: Blood,Sweat and Tears🎶
Virgo: Blood,Sweat and Tears🎶
Libra: Blood,Sweat and Tears Japanese Version🎶
Escorpio: Blood,Sweat and Tears Japanese Version🎶
Sagitario: Blood,Sweat and Tears🎶
Capricornio: Blood,Sweat and Tears Japanese Version🎶
Acuario: Blood,Sweat and Tears🎶
Piscis: Blood,Sweat and Tears🎶

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