Stuck between a dimension and a blue haired grandpa.

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I sat on the curb of Rick's house I mean Jerry's house. What an asshole I wanted to slap him across the face but at the same time make out with him against the wall. This planet sucks major elephant ass, angsty teens, idiot presidents, no violence, and so many rules and regulations. Plus now Rick has my most prized possession to do whatever he wants with, not to mention he didn't pay me! 

"Open up, I wanna go home already!!" I said as I kicked the garage door that was covered in some kind of metal.....wait a minute, he doesn't want me to go home, this is all some sort of game to him isn't it! I heard a loud buzzing sound followed by about heavy footsteps. I turned around to see a swarm of gromflomites coming out of a portal.

"...fuck me!" I yelled. 

"Gladly" I heard Rick shout from inside the house.

"SHUT IT" I screamed back as I ran down the street. The gromflomites began searching around. I grabbed a lawn mower and a wrench from the lawn and threw together a chainsaw type weapon. I had to protect myself somehow!

"Impressive EUArguhH- for a loser" Rick said talking through a microphone.

"You think you could do better tough guy?!" I said quietly, trying not to bring attention to my self.

"Bitch I know I could"

"Prove it dirt-bag!" I yelled. The gromflomites heard my voice and all turned to me. I began to run back towards the house, I had a plan. 

"Is this a EUARGuarH competition " Rick said. 

"Winner gets the artifact" I said almost approaching the house. The gromflomites began shooting at me as I ran head on towards them

"Deal" Rick said unlocking the house and walking out of the garage with bombs and all sort of weapons strapped onto him. The barrier was down and the door was open, this was my chance to get back inside.

"Thanks babe" I said as I pushed him out of the garage enterence, I grabbed my portal gun off of him then slammed the garage door shut and lastly pressing the button to lock down the house.

"YOU FUCKING BITCH IM GONNA KILL YOU!!!" Rick yelled as he was now face to face with 20 gromflomites. He began fighting while he cursed me out under his breathe. 

It was awesome to see him fight, he knew exactly what to do at the exact right time. It was hot. He was so perfect in every movement, he was smart, funny, strong, adorable, and-- I watched him for a while before coming to my senses. I can't think like this, we promised each other. I grabbed my artifact and plugged in my home coordinates onto my portal gun. I knew he would be fine, there were only 20 of them. I took one last look around his garage smiling like a dork at all his inventions. I opened one of his workbench drawers to see an old photo, it was a picture of us. It had two wet spots on and a drop of whiskey on it. The picture showed us laughing in Ricks space shuttle. I picked it up and blushed.....he kept it after all this time, what a softie. I kissed it before putting back as soon as I kissed it I heard a loud crash and a bang.

"...Rick?..." I mumbled. I walked up to the garage door and put down the barriers. "RICK?!" I yelled out of complete terror. I killed the last remaining gromflomite and turned to Rick. He was shot right below his heart and he seemed more cut up then usual. I dragged his limp body inside and began to work on him. I performed an entire surgical procedure as well as cleaning the blood and guts of the gromflomites. I wrapped Rick up, I was going to leave but I wanted to make sure he was okay first. I must have fell asleep because when I opened my eyes my head was against his chest and I could hear his heartbeat. I felt a slight tickle in my hair, he was stroking my hair slowly. 

"morning sunshine" Rick grumbled. His voice had that groggy morning tone and oh boi, it was sexy.

"Good your awake, now I can leave" I said. 

"woah woah woah, where are you going shortie" Rick grabbed my wrist as I got up, he coughed through the words.

"... Rick we can't do this....." I said, I pulled my wrist away and grabbed my portal gun. It got silent Rick was angry and frustrated and I was torn. I held my portal gun in my hand. One thing boggled my mind, Rick got shot that never happens.

"Rick....what happened out there" I said sitting back down. My hands were shaking, I don't know why but they were. Was I afraid to lose him? It was my fault that he was shot.

"Well I was being a complete bad ass when-" Rick said and turned to look at my pale shooken face. He stopped acting tough guy and cuffed my face with his hands.

 "The truth is I lost my shit when you kissed the photo." he said.

///Hello everyone, as many people requested I will be continuing this and there will be more chapters after this, I would love to hear your feed back so feel free to comment, anyway thanks for all the positive feedback, <3!!!!!!!!!!///

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