[Highschool!MAXPRES] Fairy Lights on a Friday Night

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     Max was never one for parties.

There were always too many people, and the College Freshman and High school Senior and Junior kids would always get drunk and cause trouble, even if they weren't old enough. Not like anyone cared. Even some of the other freshman were drunk off their asses and practically eating each other's faces.

     Max grimaced as someone got a bit too close for comfort, backing further into the corner he had claimed for himself. Personal space had become a huge issue as he aged, even getting out of his previously horrible environment. Nonetheless it was his space and they needed to stay out of it. End of story. Find your own corner, bitch, this one was Max's.

He let out a heavy sigh, pulling out his phone and heading for the door. Text David or Gwen for a ride home, pace and mutter to himself, just get some fresh air while he waited for whoever to arrive. Once outside, and halfway through his text to David, he saw a figure at the end of the driveway, sitting under a tree and seemingly either passed out drunk, asleep or dead. A few steps closer. Upon closer inspection the person was asleep, most likely, quietly mumbling to themself.

"Hey." Max said as he approached.

The figure stirred, dark brown hair now visible and tousled. "Ffffuck off... M'not interested.."

"Do I know you?"

"Depends, who's asking?"

"Max. Max Greenewood, if we're going by my official last name now."

"Max Greenewood as in 'wishing death upon everyone at camp' Max Greenewood? The one David adopted at the end of camp a few years back?"

"Yeah. That's me."

"Preston Goodplay. A+ theater kid, at your service."

"I'd give you a C-, tops."

"You shut your whore mouth."

Preston pulled himself up, sitting against the trunk of the tree. "I swear I have to have been drugged or my drink was spiked or something... I came out here for some fresh air and passed out."

Max laughed slightly. "Nice. How have you been? Haven't seen you since like 7th grade Math."

"You're so much more civil now. Hmph. Well, somehow I became popular and have been beating off fangirls with a stick."

"Sounds horrible."

"Sort of. Though it's a lot more awkward when you're gay.."


Max drew himself up, offering a hand. "Don't get used to me being this nice. You're the only person I know here and you're.... mm.. tolerable."

Preston took his hand, staggering as he stood. "Ho-ho-holy fuck I got dizzy quick."

"Preston you seem drunk, or hungover or some shit."

"Probably am.. ugh.. isn't there a porch swing back there?"

"Yeah. Come on, let's get you a seat and something non-alcoholic."

Max grabbed his bag from the front porch, leading Preston to the back of the house and onto the swing. Rose shaped fairy lights were strung around the chains holding the practical bed and under the bug net, giving the area a soft, magenta glow. A moment of digging through the bag and Max pulled out a water bottle, handing it to Preston.

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