Chapter Four

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My Mom and I drove home quickly and quietly, save for the radio ironically playing One Direction. When we neared the corner by our house she decided that she needed to pry into my life.

“What’s going on between you and Linda, sweetie?” She parked the car before turning her ‘fess up now’ stare onto me. I hesitated because she doesn’t really need to know what I’ve done in the past.

“Erm, she just kind of told everyone my secret and it wasn’t something I really wanted the entire school to know…” I trailed off, looking out my window. I saw in my peripheral vision that she raised her hand to supportively rub my shoulder, but then realized that she wouldn’t do so without hurting me, and lowered her hand again.

“Did you sleep with someone?” She blurted out. Shocked, I turned to look at her, almost offended that she came to that conclusion.

“No Mum, I didn’t sleep with someone!” I replied shortly.

“Did you do something with a boy?” She inquired. Okay, so wow. My mum assumes stuff about me that really didn’t need to be discussed. It was one time and it was so pathetic and I wish it never happened, ick. I nodded. There are a couple other things she didn’t need to know about as well, like the weed and drunk partying but hopefully my peers can keep it from my mum who thinks I’m an angel.

Closing the topic, my mum opened her door and got out, waiting for me to do the same. I had a bit more struggle than she did, but I made it after two tries. She locked the doors before strolling to the front door. I followed mutely behind her, refusing to look anywhere but my feet. I walked through my front door, closing it with my good arm. My mum shouted a quick “We’re home!” before heading to her room for a nap.

I, myself was exhausted, so I sluggishly made my way up the stairs, pretty much imitating a snail. My brother came out of Jared’s room, and smiled shyly at me. I knew that smile. He wanted something from me.

“Whatever it is, I’m not doing it. I’m so tired and I can’t do anything because I broke my collarbone.” His smile slid off his face and turned into a frown.

“But Jayden, Drew, Daniel, and Stuart are coming over! They want to meet the new guy in town.” My ears perked up and my back straightened as my brother listed his hottest friends’ names. I internally groaned. I really didn’t want Jayden to see me looking like an ogre. My brother took notice of the fact that I reacted to his name and make a disgusted face. “Oh, come on! He’s like your brother Kayla! And you’re too good for him! All he wants is sex; I would know!” He practically yelled.

I simply rolled my eyes but gave in to my brother. “Get me my straightener and comb. You’re so lucky I’m such a good sister.” I said dramatically before walking over to Harry’s room and knocking on the open door.

“Harry?” I asked tentatively. He sat up on the bed and looked at me with eyes begging for me to just leave him to die. I stepped into his room and sat beside him, offering a smile. He curved his lips into a tiny smile, which was good enough for me. I wrapped my good arm around him and hugged him tightly, refusing to let go until he returned the action.

“Don’t worry, his friends are all attractive so you’ll fit it just fine.” I said with an apologetic expression. Harry looked at me, almost scared. I had to stifle a laugh. He decided to fight back, trying to embarrass me.

“So who’s this Jayden guy?” I immediately flushed at his question and refused to meet his eyes. Luke decided to return at this exact moment and laughed openly at the inquisition.

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