Chapter Five

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7 weeks later

My mum and I were leaving the hospital, sling free. I was allowed to swim finally so I was going to make the best of the rest of my summer with Harry. I quickly sent him a text saying to get changed so we can swim and he almost instantly replied with an ‘alright, I’ll grab you a towel too :)’. I smiled at my phone before sitting in comfortable silence with my mum.

As soon as she parked the car, I was out and running towards the front door and bursting through. Sort of. A body on the other side of the door restricted it from swinging open very far. A muffled “Oomph!” startled me into a gasp of “Ohmigod I am so sorry!” I slipped through the crevice between the frame and the door to see who I assaulted. I inwardly face palmed because it was fucking Jayden. Of course that’d happen to me. Of course.

“Uh, hi. I, uh, I’m sorry about the door…” I trailed off, looking anywhere besides those gorgeous emeralds he has for eyes.

“No worries.” He replied before continuing on towards the basement door to head to Luke’s room. I shook it off and headed upstairs to my room for my bathing suit. I closed the door and quickly changed, rolling my shoulder because I finally could. I opened the door and pulled out my phone to check facebook as I made my way to the bathroom to remove my makeup. If I had been paying attention to my surroundings, I would’ve noticed the bathroom door closing before I walked into it.

“Ow! Fuck what is it with me and doors today?” I sighed, squeezing my eyes shut. I heard a chorus of apologies coming from the other side. “Don’t worry. ‘Tis but a flesh wound.” I said, jokingly. A stream of chuckles came through the door, and from the deep rumbles, it was Harry. The toilet flushed and the sink came on while I waited ever so patiently by knocking on the door and sighing like there was no tomorrow.

The door swung open mid-knock and Jesus Christ does that boy ever not look attractive? Like come on, who even needs a body like that, it’s not fair. He caught my gawking and a shit-eating grin appeared on that lovely face of his.

“Oh shut up.” I said before pushing past him and shoving him out. I took out the makeup remover and wiped off my eyeliner and mascara. Leaving the bathroom, I accepted the towel Harry offered before descending the stairs to head to the backyard for the pool.

“Excited to be swimming for the first time in a while?” Harry asked with a soft smile. I nodded and opened the door and motioned dramatically for him to go first. We put our towels on the table before simultaneously turning to stare at the sparkling water. Before I even knew what was happening, Harry had thrown me over his shoulder and was stalking to the diving board. I hit my hands on his, surprise surprise, muscular back and kicked my feet around to no avail. He started laughing before smacking my butt and continuing on his trek.

“You did not just smack my butt!” I shrieked, shocked yet amused.

“Oh I did. What are you going to do about it, hm?” He asked, and God, I could just hear the smirk in his voice. Little did he know I could reach his butt. Holy shit does he not have one part of him that isn’t perfect like come on! I thought to myself before subtly stretching my arm out to reach his waistband. I felt him step onto the diving board and I knew I had to act quickly. Just as he reached the end, I grabbed the material in my hand and pulled it towards me, giving him a massive wedgie.

Harry let out a really feminine squeal and convulsed which led to us catapulting into the pool; me laughing and him squealing. We went under and immediately let go to get to the surface for air. I broke the surface first, gasping and trying not to choke because I was still laughing. Harry came up gasping as well, but unlike me, he wasn’t laughing. He cast me a look that held laughter in his eyes, but his face was stoic. I kicked my legs and pumped my arms to get to the wall to get out. I was just standing up when he reached the wall and started to pull himself up.

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